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 gentler   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 温和的,优雅的

    Gentle \Gen"tle\, a. [Compar. {Gentler}; superl. {Gentlest}.]
    [OE. gentil, F. gentil noble, pretty, graceful, fr. L.
    gentilis of the same clan or race, fr. gens, gentis, tribe,
    clan, race, orig. that which belongs together by birth, fr.
    the root of genere, gignere, to beget; hence gentle,
    properly, of birth or family, that is, of good or noble
    birth. See {Gender}, and cf. {Genteel}, {Gentil}, {Gentile},
    {Gentoo}, {Jaunty}.]
    1. Well-born; of a good family or respectable birth, though
    not noble.

    British society is divided into nobility, gentry,
    and yeomanry, and families are either noble, gentle,
    or simple. --Johnson's

    The studies wherein our noble and gentle youth ought
    to bestow their time. --Milton.

    2. Quiet and refined in manners; not rough, harsh, or stern;
    mild; meek; bland; amiable; tender; as, a gentle nature,
    temper, or disposition; a gentle manner; a gentle address;
    a gentle voice.

    3. A compellative of respect, consideration, or conciliation;
    as, gentle reader. ``Gentle sirs.'' ``Gentle Jew.''
    ``Gentle servant.'' --Shak.

    4. Not wild, turbulent, or refractory; quiet and docile;
    tame; peaceable; as, a gentle horse.

    5. Soft; not violent or rough; not strong, loud, or
    disturbing; easy; soothing; pacific; as, a gentle touch; a
    gentle gallop . ``Gentle music.'' --Sir J. Davies.

    O sleep! it is a gentle thing. --Coleridge.

    {The gentle craft}, the art or trade of shoemaking.

    Syn: Mild; meek; placid; dovelike; quiet; peaceful; pacific;
    bland; soft; tame; tractable; docile.

    Usage: {Gentle}, {Tame}, {Mild}, {Meek}. Gentle describes the
    natural disposition; tame, that which is subdued by
    training; mild implies a temper which is, by nature,
    not easily provoked; meek, a spirit which has been
    schooled to mildness by discipline or suffering. The
    lamb is gentle; the domestic fowl is tame; John, the
    Apostle, was mild; Moses was meek.

    1. Even Henny Youngman, who engaged in a much-publicized argument with Ms. Allred last year over the club's lunch policy banning women, appeared kinder and gentler.
    2. And kinder and gentler only goes so far. "If you're too polite in life, you get stomped on," Bush told a youngster who was hesitant in raising her hand at a question-and-answer session at the White House.
    3. Why don't you have some new ideas of what to talk about? A: Now, Helen, that is not a "kinder and gentler" way to phrase your question.
    4. And under Porter's guidance, other ideas for Bush's much-proclaimed "kinder, gentler" America have been muted along the way.
    5. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., said, "Bush's numbers don't add up. It's not enough to talk about being a kinder and gentler nation.
    6. "Kinder and gentler does not mean apartheid.
    7. Health clubs these days are much gentler, less punishing places, as concerned about reducing stress as taking off the inches and increasing aerobic strength.
    8. Kinder and gentler does not mean you." Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell compared Bush's stance on the minimum wage with his proposal to expand capital gains tax breaks that would be enjoyed predominantly by wealthy Americans.
    9. Bush, who promises a kinder and gentler nation, says the stillness of the White House will be broken by the sound of 10 grandchildren laughing and crying.
    10. Praising the achievements of Democratic governors, Brown said "for these leaders, kinder and gentler doesn't come from the pen of some ghost writer.
    11. The New York Times was gentler, suggesting that the idea had "potential," even though the series "falls a bit flat."
    12. "President Bush is very much committed not only to have this a kinder and gentler nation, but also a very fit nation," said Schwarzenegger.
    13. He has become a replacement for the Soviet Union, which under the Bush administration has been regarded as a kindler, gentler superpower, little like the menacing foe of the Cold War era.
    14. After the plane landed she shouted at her husband: "Thank goodness we didn't die!" A mass recall of pet Missouri bullfrogs is under way, prompted by fears that when they mature they may gobble up the gentler denizens of British garden ponds.
    15. It's all well and good to revive what that rural, predominantly white-cast CBS series represented _ kinder, gentler television.
    16. The organization's national director, Amy Issacs, said liberals "rarely had the votes to pass even moderate legislation over President Bush's 10 `kinder, gentler' vetoes."
    17. Will the next decade of fashion be kinder and gentler to women? As more styles, fabrics and colors are being shown every season in the rush to be commercially successful, it seems that women are freer than ever to choose gentle or tough chic.
    18. "We have plenty of kind words for education in our new kinder and gentler America, but little action to back up these words." The report tracked the decline in the share of the federal budget going to education since 1980.
    19. Earth First! has put on a kinder, gentler face for "Redwood Summer," its campaign to halt logging in California's last unprotected groves of ancient redwoods.
    20. Serious doubts remain, however, about whether Labour can win long-targeted marginals such as Dulwich, Battersea and Hampstead and Highgate. A Labour campaigner in London conceded last night that the progress was at a 'gentler pace' than had been hoped.
    21. George Bush, who promised a "kinder and gentler nation" in his successful campaign, has indicated he wants a closer relationship with Congress than that enjoyed by his predecessor, Ronald Reagan.
    22. "Warrior" draws much of its richness from Mr. Sharon's gentler side, however.
    23. As a candidate, George Bush promised a "kinder, gentler nation" without saying how he'd pay for it.
    24. The ads, inviting telephone calls and participation in group sessions, stress the gentler, compassionate side of the church. Similar programs have also been used in Boston and Cincinnati.
    25. Some recipes are rooted in tradition, others are surprising, possibly appealing more to young and adventurous palates than hidebound oldsters. Rena Salaman's Greek Food (HarperCollins, Pounds 16.99) is gentler in tone and slower in pace.
    26. Wright, D-Texas, said Democrats would like to help him achieve his goal of making America a "kinder, gentler nation." The speaker said Bush will find bipartisan support in Congress on several of his campaign promises.
    27. "Yes, this is an appeal for a kinder, gentler Congress," Baker said at a hearing by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on his nomination to take over the State Department after President-elect Bush takes office.
    28. On the plus side, President-elect Bush repeatedly called for "a kinder, gentler nation" during his campaign and proposed to spend more on child care, health care, education and homeless aid.
    29. I would think that American society is not about to become kinder and gentler." Bush, in his speech accepting the Republican nomination for president last August, pledged a "kinder, gentler nation" and that became a theme of his campaign.
    30. I would think that American society is not about to become kinder and gentler." Bush, in his speech accepting the Republican nomination for president last August, pledged a "kinder, gentler nation" and that became a theme of his campaign.
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