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 fizzle ['fizl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 嘶嘶声, 失败

vi. 发嘶嘶声, 失败

  1. After a promising start, the project soon fizzled out.
    这项计画开始时很有希望, 但不久就失败了.
  2. What could make it fizzle out this time?
  3. Would their age-old traditions fizzle out?

[ noun ]
  1. a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval)

  2. <noun.event>
    the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience
  3. a complete failure

  4. <noun.event>
    the play was a dismal flop
[ verb ]
  1. end weakly

  2. <verb.stative> fizzle out peter out taper off
    The music just petered out--there was no proper ending

fizzle \fiz"zle\ (f[i^]z"z'l), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {fizzled}
(f[i^]z"z'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {fizzling} (f[i^]z"zl[i^]ng).]
[See {Fizz}.]
1. To make a hissing sound.

It is the easiest thing, sir, to be done,
As plain as fizzling. --B. Jonson.

2. To make a ridiculous failure in an undertaking, especially
after a good start; to achieve nothing. [Colloq. or Low]
[1913 Webster +PJC]

A four-day rally in stocks fizzled yesterday amid
renewed fears that strong economic growth may prompt
the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates.
--Sharon R.
King (N. Y.
Times, May 6,

{To fizzle out}, to burn with a hissing noise and then go
out, like wet gunpowder; hence: to fail completely and
ridiculously; to prove a failure. [Colloq.]

fizzle \fiz"zle\, n.
A failure or abortive effort; a fiasco. [Colloq.]

  1. Both have caused his predecessors' efforts to fizzle in failure.
  2. The opposition called a general strike Wednesday to press for his ouster, but merchants say fear, frustration and economic hardship caused it to fizzle.
  3. If there isn't plentiful evidence of stronger U.S. growth, bullish dollar sentiment may begin to fizzle.
  4. But Mr. Zweig expects the rally to fizzle after the Dow hits 2100 or so.
  5. "Some of them fizzle out, luckily, and others don't, and we keep monitoring to see what the potential is," Corbett said.
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