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 fjord [fjord]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 峡湾

  1. Winter or summer, you will be amazed at this region's foaming waterfalls and stunning fjord scenery.
  2. Geirangerfjord in Norway is one of the most beautiful and mysterious fjords in the world. In this amazing fjord there is a wonderful waterfull.
  3. In Norwegian, the meaning of“ fjord” is a bay that comes inland. Norway has the gretest fjords in the world, and is thus named the“ country of the Fjord”.

[ noun ]
a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs; common in Norway

Fjord \Fjord\ (fy[^o]rd), n.
See {Fiord}.

Fiord \Fiord\ (fy?rd; i or y consonant, [sect] 272), n. [Dan. &
Norw. fiord. See {Frith}.]
A narrow inlet of the sea, penetrating between high banks or
rocks, as on the coasts of Norway and Alaska. [Written also

  1. He scuttled a third fishing boat in a Norwegian fjord during a failed 1942 attempt to sink the German warship Tirpitz with torpedoes.
  2. With a cry of "The Navy's here," Turner led a boarding party from the destroyer HMS Cossack, which freed the prisoners from the German supply ship Altmark in a Norwegian fjord in February 1940.
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