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 fait 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. She married the man her parents disapproved of and presented them with a fait accompli.
    她所嫁的人她父母并不满意, 但这已是既成事实.
  2. She marry the man her parents disapprove of and present them with a fait company.
  3. It's my first week here so I'm not yet au fait with the system.
    我刚来不到一个星期, 对这里的制度还不太熟悉.

  1. 'Ca me fait tilt' is a common French phrase for 'I suddenly realised', with 'tilt' taken from pinball-machine parlance. Generally, though, the new law forbids official use of foreign words where French equivalents exist.
  2. "We were presented with a fait accompli," said an Eastern spokesman, who termed the agreement "a very poor example of the government process in action."
  3. Yesterday's Russo-Ukraine Treaty pledged to respect Soviet treaties with foreign countries. The republics presented their treaty to Mr. Gorbachev, the Supreme Soviet and Mr. Pankin as a "fait accompli".
  4. What we shall see in practice is the consolidation of the Serb fait accompli, unless external powers have the will to impose a Serb retreat. The right way to deal with Mr Cosic is surely to take him at his word.
  5. The bankruptcy-law filing of Public Service Co. of New Hampshire underscores what has become a fait accompli: For the foreseeable future, the era of building big nuclear power plants in the U.S. is ending.
  6. But it is widely seen as a fait accompli that the influential position of Taipei mayor will go to Mr Chen Shui-bien, the lawyer-turned-legislator of the DPP party.
  7. But now that is a fait accompli.
  8. Adds Peter Dupont, steel industry analyst with UBS Phillips & Drew in London: "I see the extension of the U.S. quotas somewhat as a fait accompli."
  9. DENMARK'S minority government was faced with a fait accompli yesterday when three opposition parties, with a majority in parliament, agreed on terms which the country should seek from its EC partners regarding the Maastricht treaty.
  10. By the time they were given a real vote, socialism was a "fait accompli."
  11. The exchange offer is also subject to shareholder approval of the new common stock issue, virtually a fait accompli since Metromedia has already agreed to vote in favor of the transaction.
  12. But Toronto Dominion Bank said a definitive agreement shouldn't be treated as a "fait accompli."
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