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 faithfulness ['feiθfulnis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 忠诚, 诚实, 正确

  1. His faithfulness can be trusted.
  2. The faithfulness of the worker is worth to be learned by us.
  3. His faithfulness can be trusted.

[ noun ]
the quality of being faithful

Faithful \Faith"ful\, a.
1. Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe,
especially in the declarations and promises of God.

You are not faithful, sir. --B. Jonson.

2. Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties,
or other engagements.

The faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy
with them that love him. --Deut. vii.

3. True and constant in affection or allegiance to a person
to whom one is bound by a vow, by ties of love, gratitude,
or honor, as to a husband, a prince, a friend; firm in the
observance of duty; loyal; of true fidelity; as, a
faithful husband or servant.

So spake the seraph Abdiel, faithful found,
Among the faithless, faithful only he. --Milton.

4. Worthy of confidence and belief; conformable to truth ot
fact; exact; accurate; as, a faithful narrative or

It is a faithful saying. --2 Tim. ii.

{The Faithful}, the adherents of any system of religious
belief; esp. used as an epithet of the followers of

Syn: Trusty; honest; upright; sincere; veracious;
trustworthy. -- {Faith"ful*ly}, adv. -{Faith"ful*ness},

faithfulness \faithfulness\ n.
the trait of being faithful.

Syn: fidelity.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Yet at the same time they search for direction in following the path marked out by Christ." Earlier today, a cardinal representing the U.S. bishops declared that American democratic freedoms are not at odds with faithfulness to the church.
  2. They were summer's left-overs and followed the route to which Spain has stuck with touching faithfulness: short, tight, slippery, slinky - sexy. I was not raised for this.
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