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 dwarf wall 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Dwarf \Dwarf\, n.; pl. {Dwarfs}. [OE. dwergh, dwerf, dwarf, AS.
    dweorg, dweorh; akin to D. dwerg, MHG. twerc, G. zwerg, Icel.
    dvergr, Sw. & Dan. dverg; of unknown origin.]
    1. An animal or plant which is much below the ordinary size
    of its species or kind.

    2. Especially: A diminutive human being, small in stature due
    to a pathological condition which causes a distortion of
    the proportions of body parts to each other, such as the
    limbs, torso, and head. A person of unusually small height
    who has normal body proportions is usually called a

    Note: During the Middle Ages dwarfs as well as fools shared
    the favor of courts and the nobility.

    3. (Folklore) A small, usually misshapen person, typically a
    man, who may have magical powers; mythical dwarves were
    often depicted as living underground in caves.

    Note: Dwarf is used adjectively in reference to anything much
    below the usual or normal size; as, a dwarf pear tree;
    dwarf honeysuckle.

    {Dwarf elder} (Bot.), danewort.

    {Dwarf wall} (Arch.), a low wall, not as high as the story of
    a building, often used as a garden wall or fence. --Gwilt.

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