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 dwelling ['dwɛlɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 住处

[医] 住房

  1. He changed his dwelling recently.
  2. A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family.
  3. Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them!

[ noun ]
housing that someone is living in
he built a modest dwelling near the pondthey raise money to provide homes for the homeless

Dwell \Dwell\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dwelled}, usually contracted
into {Dwelt} (?); p. pr. & vb. n. {Dwelling}.] [OE. dwellen,
dwelien, to err, linger, AS. dwellan to deceive, hinder,
delay, dwelian to err; akin to Icel. dvelja to delay, tarry,
Sw. dv["a]ljas to dwell, Dan. dv[ae]le to linger, and to E.
dull. See {Dull}, and cf. {Dwale}.]
1. To delay; to linger. [Obs.]

2. To abide; to remain; to continue.

I 'll rather dwell in my necessity. --Shak.

Thy soul was like a star and dwelt apart.

3. To abide as a permanent resident, or for a time; to live
in a place; to reside.

The parish in which I was born, dwell, and have
possessions. --Peacham.

The poor man dwells in a humble cottage near the
hall where the lord of the domain resides. --C. J.

{To dwell in}, to abide in (a place); hence, to depend on.
``My hopes in heaven to dwell.'' --Shak.

{To dwell on} or {To dwell upon}, to continue long on or in;
to remain absorbed with; to stick to; to make much of; as,
to dwell upon a subject; a singer dwells on a note.

They stand at a distance, dwelling on his looks and
language, fixed in amazement. --Buckminster.

Syn: To inhabit; live; abide; sojourn; reside; continue;
stay; rest.

Dwelling \Dwell"ing\, n.
Habitation; place or house in which a person lives; abode;

Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons. --Jer. xlix.

God will deign
To visit oft the dwellings of just men. --Milton.

Philip's dwelling fronted on the street. --Tennyson.

{Dwelling house}, a house intended to be occupied as a
residence, in distinction from a store, office, or other

{Dwelling place}, place of residence.

  1. The law requires that three-quarters of the people living in a single family dwelling be related by blood, marriage or adoption.
  2. The model home was a single-family dwelling of about 2,000 square feet with three bedrooms, two baths, a family room or the equivalent and a two-car garage.
  3. The new rules also permit a consumer to terminate the plan within three business days if the home used as collateral is the principal dwelling.
  4. Dean Kelley, spill coordinator for the state Department of Natural Resources, said the fumes were the same as those when fuel is being fed to a dwelling's furnace tank.
  5. It's her house, but Jeanette Noble wants everyone to know the disheveled, "tacky" dwelling cared for by comic Roseanne Barr in her hit show "Roseanne" does not always look that way.
  6. It's not like the normal world." A released hostage may also risk post-traumatic stress disorder, which can include excessive dwelling on the hostage experience, a withdrawing from contacts and activities that might trigger recollections, and anxiety.
  7. A few years later, having acquired some equity, they moved to a more commodious dwelling in what they considered a better neighborhood, one they felt was more in keeping with their view of themselves.
  8. Police said gunmen fired on the house with an AK-47 rifle and set the dwelling ablaze with a firebomb.
  9. Louise James, a MOVE sympathizer who owned the original house, has fought the city for the new dwelling.
  10. But a jury acquitted him after being read what Kansas law says about the defense of a dwelling and personal property.
  11. On Wednesday, a 13-year-old Soweto girl was killed when gunmen fired on her house with AK-47 rifles and set the dwelling on fire with a firebomb.
  12. But before police could follow up on a tip, the snakenappers left the dwelling.
  13. But I don't think we're going to be dwelling on that," he said.
  14. Bodily threw a hand grenade at Schwenka on Tuesday night while the officer was investigating reports of a man firing at a dwelling and brandishing a shotgun, Hernandez said.
  15. But the Western economist said dwelling on party line is a mistake.
  16. "We're not dwelling on it because we think it's a dead issue," says Peter J. Canelo, Bear Stearns investment strategist.
  17. To set them in context, it is worth dwelling for a moment on the project's history. Extending the Underground to Docklands and the rest of London's eastern hinterland is not a new idea.
  18. Commitment made that inevitable. Mandela avoids dwelling on this personal tragedy, or on the demeaning and de-humanising experiences of his long life as a prisoner.
  19. So, gates to prevent rear access to the dwelling may be effective. Besides blocking rear access, try making your home's exterior appear open to surveillance by neighbours.
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