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 domicile ['dɒmisail]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 住所, 住宅

vt. (使)定居

vi. (使)定居

[经] 居住地, 法人注册地址

  1. Where is your domicile?
  2. A: Where is your domicile place?
  3. She took me to her won domicile.

[ noun ]
  1. (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time

  2. <noun.location>
    what's his legal residence?
  3. housing that someone is living in

  4. <noun.artifact>
    he built a modest dwelling near the pond
    they raise money to provide homes for the homeless
[ verb ]
  1. make one's home in a particular place or community

  2. <verb.stative> domiciliate reside shack
    may parents reside in Florida

Domicile \Dom"i*cile\, n. [L. domicilium; domus house + (prob.)
root of celare to conceal: cf. F. domicile. See {Dome}, and
1. An abode or mansion; a place of permanent residence,
either of an individual or a family.

2. (Law) A residence at a particular place accompanied with
an intention to remain there for an unlimited time; a
residence accepted as a final abode. --Wharton.

Domicile \Dom"i*cile\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Domiciled}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Domiciling}.] [Cf. F. domicilier. Cf. {Domiciliate}.]
To establish in a fixed residence, or a residence that
constitutes habitancy; to domiciliate. --Kent.

  1. And, particularly among those of Asian ancestry, there's a willingness to crowd into one domicile.
  2. If I kept this house for holiday purposes would it effect my non-domicile status? It would appear that you have acquired a domicile of choice in Zambia.
  3. "The Capitol at Washington is painted with oxide of zinc," proclaims another advertisement, implying that American homeowners would do well to use that ingredient on their own domicile.
  4. Obtain insurance coverage in the domicile state on personal property, cars and houses.
  5. Transfer savings, checking accounts, CDs and, if possible, IRAs and other retirement accounts to the domicile state.
  6. These domicile changes have had little tangible impact so far.
  7. Transfer all tangible personal property (including household furnishings and cars) to the state in which you want to establish domicile.
  8. Guernsey's proven willingness to accommodate the needs of UK parents make it a captive domicile to watch.
  9. Therefore, the definition of domicile becomes blurred.
  10. A change of domicile would be no help.
  11. Mr. Rott's supporters say that the charges against him were trumped up and that his real offense is his ragged appearance and lack of permanent domicile.
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