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 dominance ['dɔminəns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 优势, 显性, 统治, 控制, 支配

[计] 控制, 扰势

[医] 优势, 优性, 显性

  1. Dominance by location; extent of view.
  2. Only humiliations seemed left, but even here George took a long view, foreseeing as he did the eventual dominance of this country.
  3. We saw the American dominance of the world.

[ noun ]
  1. superior development of one side of the body

  2. <noun.attribute>
  3. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

  4. <noun.state>
    her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her
  5. the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not

  6. <noun.phenomenon>
  7. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

  8. <noun.attribute>
    he has the authority to issue warrants
    deputies are given authorization to make arrests
    a place of potency in the state

Dominance \Dom"i*nance\, Dominancy \Dom"i*nan*cy\, n.
Predominance; ascendency; authority.

  1. Recently Tom Shales of the Washington Post intoned, "The emergence and dominance of MTV represent unquestioning surrender to the corporate ethic by Ronald Reagan's figurative grandchildren."
  2. The fighting violated a shaky cease-fire that was called May 17 to halt more than four months of intra-Christian clashes for dominance of a tiny enclave northeast of Beirut.
  3. The peace accord provides for sharing political power equally between Moslems and Christians, ending the traditional dominance of the Maronite Catholics, the main Christian sect.
  4. During the rut the elk assert dominance enough to collect their harems.
  5. S&P also expressed alarm about the lost sales dominance by Chrysler's Jeep vehicles.
  6. By police count, 561 people have been killed and 1,554 wounded since Amal and Hezbollah began fighting in Beirut and south Lebanon last April for dominance of Lebanon's 1.2 million Shiites.
  7. Nearly 500 people have been killed and 1,500 wounded in fighting between the Shiite factions since Dec. 31, when the latest round in a 9-month-old battle for dominance of Lebanon's 1 million Shiites broke out.
  8. Among Southern states, the Democrats maintained or strengthened dominance in the Mississippi, South Carolina and West Virginia statehouses.
  9. At the time Continental chose the city for hub operations, it warned that the dominance of the United Airlines computer reservation system could pose a hurdle to expansion.
  10. The two factions are vying for dominance among Lebanon's 1 million Shiites and fought a six-day street battle in west and south Beirut that was stopped a week ago by Syrian troops.
  11. But if the favored hand and eye don't match, they have crossed dominance.
  12. As Mr Bill Wigglesworth, deputy director of Oftel said recently: 'When you move to unlimited competition, market dominance is the issue.
  13. Last year, Noyce became the first chief executive of Sematech, a joint industry-government effort to reclaim U.S. dominance in the $45 billion semiconductor industry by 1993.
  14. He said a Time-Warner merger could extend the dominance of the larger multisystem cable operators over small cable companies.
  15. Goldman, with its continued dominance in equity underwriting, was close on Merrill's heels, helping to raise $21.2 billion, for a 13% market share.
  16. Today's casualties brought the overall toll to 12 killed and 29 wounded since a new round of fighting for dominance of Lebanon's million Shiites began Saturday.
  17. In a joint venture called Taligent the two companies are developing personal computer software that analysts believe may challenge Microsoft's dominance of the PC software market.
  18. In Eastern Europe, West German economic and political influence has been expanding as the military and political dominance of the Soviet Union has declined.
  19. The dominance in memory chips gives the Japanese a base to solidify control of the products that use the chips.
  20. In the past three decades, dominance of the art market has moved remorselessly from dealers to the salerooms.
  21. 'The demand is for a new generation of well-rounded, generalist man- agers - not the dominance of the specialist of old.'
  22. Cray is the world's largest supercomputer maker, but NEC threw America's long-term dominance of the industry into question in April when it announced it will introduce the world's fastest supercomputer next year.
  23. Another Battle of Britain is raging but it's not about warplane dominance over the skies.
  24. The Lebanese Forces and Gemayel's Katayeb militia at the time were battling for dominance of the 800,000-member Maronite Catholic community, Lebanon's most powerful Christian sect.
  25. The Bank of England reported last year that the 10 most active banks in the City of London had 43 per cent of turnover, up from 36 per cent in 1986. The US dollar is losing some of its dominance as a reserve currency to the D-Mark.
  26. Nasdaq has been losing some of its traditional dominance over the new-issues market.
  27. After decades of unchallenged dominance by Vogue and Harpers Bazaar, the U.S. fashion world finds itself with a new pacesetter that has received almost instant acceptance by advertisers and readers.
  28. Market dominance often occurs because a company produces products consumers want.
  29. Mrs. Thatcher and her Conservatives returned to Brighton with her dominance of British politics looking even more overwhelming than four years ago.
  30. Now they see there are high calibre people doing temporary work.' The growth of temporaries has, in turn, led to a dominance within the sector (in London) of Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans.
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