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 confiding [kən'faɪdɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 深信不疑的, 易于相信别人的

  1. She was a practised swindler and took advantage of the old man's confiding nature.
    她是一个行骗的老手, 利用了那个老人生性轻信以售其奸.
  2. The girl is of a confiding nature.
  3. She was a practised swindler and took advantage of the old man's confiding nature.

[ adj ]
willing to entrust personal matters
first she was suspicious, then she became confiding

Confide \Con*fide"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Confided}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Confiding}.] [L. confidere; con- + fidere to trust.
See {Faith}, and cf. {Affiance}.]
To put faith (in); to repose confidence; to trust; -- usually
followed by in; as, the prince confides in his ministers.

By thy command I rise or fall,
In thy protection I confide. --Byron.

Judge before friendships, then confide till death.

Confiding \Con*fid"ing\, a.
That confides; trustful; unsuspicious. -- {Con*fid"ing*ly},
adv. -- {Con*fid"ing*ness}, n.

  1. He said he was removed last July for confiding his identity to a girlfriend.
  2. He is 40 years her junior. Persuaded it was safe to be left alone with me, Riefenstahl, in poor but adequate English, became passionate and confiding.
  3. But he should be careful to avoid the appearance of confiding power only to his own supporters. His legitimacy as a historic resistance leader has virtually run its course. To rule over Gaza and Jericho he needs democratic authority.
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