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 configuration [kənˌfigju'reiʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 结构, 表面配置, 外形, 配置

[计] 配置

[化] 构型; 位型; 组态

[医] 构型

  1. Something resembling this structure in configuration or pattern.
  2. For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language.
  3. A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of

[ noun ]
  1. an arrangement of parts or elements

  2. <noun.cognition>
    the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time
  3. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline)

  4. <noun.attribute>
    he could barely make out their shapes

Configuration \Con*fig`u*ra"tion\, n. [L. configuratio.]
1. Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the
parts of a thing; shape; figure.

It is the variety of configurations [of the mouth] .
. . which gives birth and origin to the several
vowels. --Harris.

2. (Astrol.) Relative position or aspect of the planets; the
face of the horoscope, according to the relative positions
of the planets at any time.

They [astrologers] undertook . . . to determine the
course of a man's character and life from the
configuration of the stars at the moment of his
birth. --Whewell.

  1. It makes up one-third of the wartime configuration of the U.S. Army's 24th Mechanized Infantry Division, which has been deployed in Saudi Arabia.
  2. He called it a "slight change in configuration" and said a final decision had not been taken yet, pending thorough consultations with the gulf countries.
  3. The latest model of the hot-selling 737 series, designated the 737-500, will carry between 108 and 130 passengers, depending on the seating configuration.
  4. Outdoor enthusiasts who tow boats, campers, etc. will note that Chrysler's front-drive configuration does limit towing capacity, however.
  5. The paintings are on display at Harvard's Sackler museum through Oct. 2. They are arranged in the same configuration as their original setting in the university's Holyoke Center but are now far from any direct sunlight.
  6. "I saw the blue-and-white configuration," said Fest, who viewed the light New Year's Eve. "It's possible that it's supernatural, but I'm not an expert.
  7. Airbus has said it is discussing an order with Federal Express, a Memphis, Tenn., air-express carrier, that would mark the first sale of its A-300 wide-body jet in a freighter configuration.
  8. In a front-page story in this newspaper after the July accident, aviation experts questioned the configuration of the DC-10's hydraulics and said other planes have more fail-safe systems, including the use of shut-off valves.
  9. "There was nothing in interest rate movements to spur larger asset flows since the configuration of yields on various short-term instruments has remained virtually unchanged for about a month," Mr. Dreyer said.
  10. "There can't just be one configuration that's important," said Michael Braun, vice president for multimedia at IBM.
  11. Despite the rear-drive configuration, however, the MPV has a flat floor, save for the slightly raised area under the rear bench seat where suspension coil springs are located.
  12. A basic Voice Server configuration consists of a model VS 6000 Server, Wang office and voice processing software and development tools and a front-end voice processor.
  13. The models will range in price from $60,910 to $329,000, depending on configuration.
  14. A policy of wider air strikes is therefore incompatible with the maintenance of Unprofor in its present configuration.
  15. The round configuration isn't perfect for baseball, and for football, everyone agrees, it's worse _ when the rectangular field is fitted in beneath the circular stands, the usually desirable 50-yard-line seats are farthest away from the action.
  16. Mr. Fletcher said the third approach "is the only sensible way" since more than four years and $600 million already have gone into planning the station configuration and because the program management is solid and is producing results.
  17. "The acquisition fits extremely well into Sun's existing configuration and lends additional strength to our overall refining and marketing efforts," Campbell said.
  18. "In addition, they can be easily modified to full assault-weapon configuration," he said in a statement.
  19. Cathay preferred the seat configuration to that of the 777.
  20. Fat molecules occurring naturally in vegetable oils are in the "cis-" configuration that has a kink or bend in the molecule.
  21. Depending on configuration, 757s normally sell for $41 million to $47 million each.
  22. The Airbus A310-300 is a twin-engine jet that will seat 179 passengers in Delta's first-class, business-class and coach-class configuration.
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