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 confederation [kən`fɛdə'reʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 同盟, 联盟, 组织联盟

  1. She works in the confederation of British industry.
  2. Other organizations have joined the confederation for mutual benefit.
  3. A combination so formed, especially an alliance or confederation of people, parties, or political entities for mutual interest or benefit.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being allied or confederated

  2. <noun.state>
  3. a union of political organizations

  4. <noun.group>
  5. the act of forming an alliance or confederation

  6. <noun.act>

Confederation \Con*fed`er*a"tion\, n. [L. confoederatio: cf. F.
1. The act of confederating; a league; a compact for mutual
support; alliance, particularly of princes, nations, or

The three princes enter into some strict league and
confederation among themselves. --Bacon.

This was no less than a political confederation of
the colonies of New England. --Palfrey.

2. The parties that are confederated, considered as a unit; a

{Articles of confederation}. See under {Article}.

  1. Human rights activist Andrei Sakharov has suggested a loose confederation of sovereign states, and many nationalists in the Baltics and Georgia have called for secession from the Soviet Union.
  2. While rejecting Roh's proposal, the North Korean newspaper repeated the North's long-standing formula to unify the peninsula under a confederation that would keep the two sides' conflicting political and economic systems intact, the officials said.
  3. France and the Soviet Union pledge to "reinforce European solidarity" and seek the creation of a European confederation.
  4. Saul Ubaldini, a strong opponent of Menem, was re-elected Wednesday to head a confederation of workers representing more than 1 million teachers, state workers and metalworkers.
  5. The government is hoping depressed domestic demand will limit inflationary pressures. Yesterday, the industrialists' confederation, reported production down by 5.1 per cent this month on last November.
  6. He said they were en route to the demonstration in front of the confederation building.
  7. The industrialists' confederation says that there is resistance to paying for services that were previously free. However, Confindustria has few doubts about the programme of fairs that ICE supports.
  8. France also promised to help Moscow arrange accords with the 12-nation European Community as a step toward creation of a pan-European confederation.
  9. The original principle was to build a European confederation that maintained the possibility of secession.
  10. Kazakh lawmakers have indicated willingness to join such a confederation.
  11. Yousef Omeir bin Yousef was named the new oil minister in a Cabinet reshuffle in the oil-rich confederation.
  12. The formation of a breakaway confederation comes one day after the government-sponsored National Congress of Trade Unions voted in Moscow to disband after 70 years and reconstitute itself as a voluntary association of unions.
  13. It attributed its information to Alvin Guthrie Rivers, secretary-general of the anti-government confederation.
  14. Apsitis said at most Latvia would consider a role in a reconfigured Soviet confederation _ but only after gaining independence.
  15. While Jordan has cooled on the confederation plan, PLO officials who conferred with leaders in Amman this week reiterated their support for such a plan.
  16. Confindustria, the Italian industrialists' confederation, held back for a day in judging the Berlusconi government's 1995 budget for fear of appearing over-enthusiastic. But yesterday all reserve was removed.
  17. Hussein for months has said he will consider a confederation only after a Palestinian state is created, and only if Palestinians there and Jordanians in his country vote for it.
  18. Under his formula, Yugoslavia's six republics would become independent states under a loose confederation and would maintain relations only in areas of common interest.
  19. Then yesterday the theme was taken up by Mr Bruno Trentin, head of the CGIL, the largest trade union confederation. Figures vary of the number of jobs at risk.
  20. The north's plan calls for a confederation under which there is one nation for military and diplomatic matters but both sides maintain their different political and social systems.
  21. At the same time, Serbian nationalist demonstrations have heightened friction between Serbs and other groups in this fragile confederation of republics.
  22. The Soviet Union is preparing a treaty tying together its splintering republics as a loose confederation with strong economic links.
  23. Rabin called for election of local representatives, then autonomy, and finally negotiations for a final settlement of the status of the territories, either in a confederation with Jordan or with Israel.
  24. The confederation says a family of five needs at least 6,000 bolivars monthly for food alone.
  25. Last week, Baker endorsed a proposal by Kohl for a step-by-step process of reunification, beginning with the confederation of East and West Germany even while the Bonn government remains in the NATO alliance.
  26. Slovenia has advocated turning the nation's six republics into a loose confederation with little central control.
  27. Ultimately, they worked out a plan for a greater Maghreb confederation.
  28. "People were lulled into a false sense of security because the traffic was so light last week, so more people have tried to get in this time," said Jane Calvert-Lee, London regional director of the confederation.
  29. The options would include statehood or linking the West Bank and Gaza to Jordan in a confederation.
  30. Mr Naldo Brunelli, new head of the trade union confederation, CGT, says: 'We think that the changes are irreversible.'
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