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 confer [kən'fɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 授予, 带来

vi. 协商

[法] 授与, 赐与, 给予

  1. The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.
  2. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have more cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.
  3. Money alone will confer nobility.

conferred, conferring

Confer \Con*fer"\, v. i.
To have discourse; to consult; to compare views; to

Festus, when he had conferred with the council,
answered. --Acts xxv.

You shall hear us confer of this. --Shak.

Syn: To counsel; advise; discourse; converse.

Confer \Con*fer"\ (k[o^]n*f[~e]r"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Conferred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conferring}.] [L. conferre to
bring together, contribute, consult; con- + ferre to bear:
cf. F. conf['e]rer. See 1st {Bear}.]
1. To bring together for comparison; to compare. [Obs.]

If we confer these observations with others of the
like nature, we may find cause to rectify the
general opinion. --Boyle.

2. To grant as a possession; to bestow.

The public marks of honor and reward
Conferred upon me. --Milton.

3. To contribute; to conduce. [Obs.]

The closeness and compactness of the parts resting
together doth much confer to the strength of the
union. --Glanvill.

  1. Tutu, visiting to confer with other opposition leaders and U.S. officials, said the fight for equality is not over and urged continued political and economic pressure on the South African government to dismantle apartheid.
  2. The rebels will confer Wednesday with members of Congress about possible future steps.
  3. Baker will confer on Sunday with officials in Bahrain and meet with the Emir of Kuwait on Monday in Taif, Saudi Arabia.
  4. Mr. Moskolenko's achievements, acknowledged by his frequent invitations to confer with party boss Gorbachev's chief economic aides in Moscow, provide a measure of how far the Soviet leader's reform drive has come in the past 28 months.
  5. A few years ago, the law was revised to confer citizenship on children with Japanese mothers.
  6. Just like garden-variety stock options, LEAPS confer the right to buy (with a call option) or sell (with a put) 100 shares of a stock, at a preset "strike" price, on any day until they expire.
  7. Angry and forceful, the president again condemned Iraq's aggression and said, "This will not stand." Bush dispatched Secretary Dick Cheney to Saudi Arabia to confer with leaders of the desert kingdom, administration sources said.
  8. Thornburgh will confer Tuesday in Stockholm with Swedish authorities.
  9. For example, if a further 900m ordinary shares were issued, the super-voting shares would confer 10 votes a share.
  10. These confer the right but (unlike forwards) not the obligation to buy or sell the agreed amount of currency up to or on a set date in the future.
  11. A further thesis of the academicized bureaucrats who might have halted at the Rhine to confer upon Hitler a bufferdom is that to have gone the 250 undefended miles to Baghdad would have enmeshed the allies in a Vietnam-like "quagmire."
  12. Walesa will confer with French trade unionists, Paris Mayor Jacques Chirac, actor Yves Montand, Culture Minister Jack Lang and Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, leader of the French Roman Catholic Church.
  13. Neumann said he, O'Keefe and the district's other judge would confer soon to decide new ways to cut the district's budget.
  14. Prior to a stop in Cairo, Egypt, to confer with his counterpart there on Desert Shield, Cheney told reporters he was pleased with the support he had received during his tour.
  15. The dentist went off to confer with his colleagues.
  16. Later in her four-day stay, she was to confer with Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu, Minister of International Trade and Industry Hikaru Matsunaga and other Japanese leaders.
  17. Assistant Secretary of State Gaston Sigur will confer with Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Rogachev on Nov. 2 and 3 as part of periodic superpower talks on regional issues, said spokesman Charles Redman.
  18. As spiritual heads of the Church of England, archbishops of Canterbury are entitled to confer Lambeth degrees under a statute dating back to King Henry VIII.
  19. He said Aime will arrive Friday, in Rabat, Morocco, to confer with an Arab League committee that has been trying in vain to arrange a lasting cease-fire in Lebanon and work out a political solution to the civil war.
  20. Shevardnadze, who resigned in December with a warning that the Soviet Union was veering toward dictatorship under Gorbachev, also will confer with Secretary of State Baker and other senior administration officials, the White House said.
  21. Deputy Soviet ambassador, Valentin Lozinskiy, sought the five-day delay so Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze can first confer with PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, diplomats said.
  22. Experts from the National Security Council staff, the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the State Department also confer frequently, and terrorism intelligence is a regular part of Mr. Bush's crisis briefings.
  23. Bush himself went to Cartagena, Colombia, on Feb. 15 to confer with the presidents of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru on drugs.
  24. He is to confer Thursday with President Francois Mitterrand, who shunned P.W. Botha _ de Klerk's predecessor _ when Botha came to France to visit the graves of South African soldiers killed in the two world wars.
  25. In Angola, Perez de Cuellar will confer with President Eduardo dos Santos on the situation in the area, U.N. officials said.
  26. When Red Cross official Richard Gordon needed to confer with authorities in quake-damaged Cabanatuan, he did so in a telephone patch provided by another radio station, which broadcast the consultations live.
  27. And in another move to shore up support for anti-Iraq action, Bush will confer Sunday with Gorbachev. Meetings between the U.N.'s chief and Iraq's foreign minister were fruitless.
  28. After holding inconclusive talks with his Czechoslovak counterpart, West German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher was to confer with his East German colleague Oskar Fischer at the United Nations in New York.
  29. Rep. Tony Hall, D-Ohio, said the National Park Service study, expected to take 12 to 15 months, will help Congress decide whether to confer national park status on the sites.
  30. But what advantages do they confer in return for this massive investment? Company schemes are extremely tax-efficient.
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