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 competition [,kɒmpi'tiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 竞争, 竞赛

[经] 竞争, 竞销, 比赛

  1. Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.
  2. Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.
  3. The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition.

[ noun ]
  1. a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers

  2. <noun.linkdef>
    business competition can be fiendish at times
  3. an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants

  4. <noun.event>
  5. the act of competing as for profit or a prize

  6. <noun.act>
    the teams were in fierce contention for first place
  7. the contestant you hope to defeat

  8. <noun.person>
    he had respect for his rivals
    he wanted to know what the competition was doing

Competition \Com`pe*ti"tion\, n. [L. competition. See
The act of seeking, or endeavoring to gain, what another is
endeavoring to gain at the same time; common strife for the
same objects; strife for superiority; emulous contest;
rivalry, as for approbation, for a prize, or as where two or
more persons are engaged in the same business and each
seeking patronage; -- followed by for before the object
sought, and with before the person or thing competed with.

Competition to the crown there is none, nor can be.

A portrait, with which one of Titian's could not come
in competition. --Dryden.

There is no competition but for the second place.

Where competition does not act at all there is complete
monopoly. --A. T.

Syn: Emulation; rivalry; rivalship; contest; struggle;
contention; opposition; jealousy. See {Emulation}.

  1. Ramadan is in competition with another oldtimer, deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council (the highest decision-making body) Izzat Ibrahim.
  2. But the liberalization of the local market will proceed gradually to allow local firms time to adjust to foreign competition, said Lu Dauny Yen, vice chairman of Taiwan's Securities and Exchange Commission.
  3. But we decided the opposite, to open more to political competition and to advances in democracy.
  4. Delta spokesman Neil Monroe said he mentioned the Eastern program only reluctantly, because Delta views its program as a systemwide deal designed to beat the competition in many markets.
  5. The creation of a single European Community market for automobiles could expose Europe's auto industry to even stiffer competition and open France, Britain, Spain and Italy to a surge of imports from Japan.
  6. Eighteen people were arrested in an investigation into attempts by the Mafia to scare off competition for construction contracts.
  7. Also, the judges on Saturday night asked an unrehearsed question of each of the top 10 finalists during the evening gown competition.
  8. 'They think they can crush the competition before it gets out of the gate,' says Mr Stursberg.
  9. With interest rates for commercial lending fixed by the central bank, competition is limited, as is profit potential.
  10. Republican Gov. George Deukmejian of California, addressing a luncheon for the trade ministers, defended the administration's free-trade policies, saying that competition was good for American industry and consumers.
  11. It was the latest protest against the government's plans to open up the airline, a subsidiary of state-owned carrier Air France, to foreign competition.
  12. The government also sponsored an Olympic-style Pan-Korean athletic competition in late 1989 that drew 1,326 Korean competitors from 50 nations.
  13. "There's a feeling in the industry that growing generic competition and a recent trend in high-volume purchasing of drugs by insurers is going to eventually choke off the ability to raise prices," he says.
  14. But Mr. McMillin predicted Campbell will face stiff competition from Kellogg, "the star of the waffle business."
  15. But Kraft, which says it has captured 57% of the national market since its 1987 entry, is responding aggressively to the new competition.
  16. You've got competition around the world." Japan's occupation of China in World War II has left "real scars" even a half-century later, Lord said.
  17. "Because feedstocks of natural gas are more widely distributed, even greater price competition would result in this case," it said.
  18. Foreign ownership of U.S. airlines raises concerns about national security, competition and bilateral negotiations on international routes, Skinner has said.
  19. Brazil maintains it needs the trade restrictions to protect its fledgling computer industry from foreign competition.
  20. The 10-day festival that ended Saturday featured more than 130 films from 40 countries, but competition is only among movies made in Israel.
  21. That way they can charge more for products because there is less competition.
  22. Robert Van Tuyle, Beverly's 75-year-old chairman and chief executive officer, blames the unexpected losses mainly on skyrocketing labor costs and on competition from general hospitals that are converting empty beds to nursing care use.
  23. Among those remaining in contention was Lisa M. Edwin of Dwight, Ill., one of the six 10-year-olds who were among the 222 who began the competition on Wednesday.
  24. If competition were functioning effectively, one would expect price-cutting to reduce fees. There are two reasons why this does not happen.
  25. At least some Japanese bureaucrats are eager to limit competition between these countries, and private industry is already making an effort to foster complementary patterns of development.
  26. The machinery sector, Switzerland's biggest industry, has been hit hard by international competition.
  27. Barry S. Friedberg, director of investment banking division, Merrill Lynch Capital Markets, says: "We all face some formidable competition.
  28. "People have been expecting approval (of Immune Response's AIDS vaccine) in 1993 with no competition," Ms. Gilbert said. "It's more realistic to look for approval in 1994 with competition."
  29. "People have been expecting approval (of Immune Response's AIDS vaccine) in 1993 with no competition," Ms. Gilbert said. "It's more realistic to look for approval in 1994 with competition."
  30. Fink said NIH chose Harvard from a national competition, The Harvard Crimson reported Saturday.
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