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 competitive [kәm'petitiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 竞争的

[经] 竞争的

  1. America is a competitive society.
  2. Our prices are competitive.
  3. Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.

[ adj ]
  1. involving competition or competitiveness

  2. <adj.all>
    competitive games
    to improve one's competitive position
  3. subscribing to capitalistic competition

  4. <adj.all>
  5. showing a fighting disposition

  6. <adj.all>
    highly competitive sales representative
    militant in fighting for better wages for workers
    his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy

Competitive \Com*pet"i*tive\, a.
Of or pertaining to competition; producing competition;
competitory; as, a competitive examination.

  1. Cray cited competitive and economic conditions for delays in obtaining contracts for systems to be installed this year.
  2. Congress created the FCS more than 70 years ago to provide farmers with a dependable source of credit at competitive rates.
  3. If Mr Gonzalez fails to meet the challenge he now faces, Spain can abandon any hope of playing a fully competitive role in the economy of the new Europe.
  4. In addition, to make acceptance of the exit bonds more attractive, Brazil plans to propose that these bonds should offer a competitive yield, would rank as senior Brazilian debt and could be used to make debt-equity swaps, the official said.
  5. Personal lending and other financial services are becoming increasingly competitive - as the establishment of NatWest Life demonstrates.
  6. There appears to be growing sentiment in Congress to plug this loophole, while giving regulators more time to determine the potential competitive impact of proposed takeovers.
  7. "This change is designed to improve the efficiency of conducting our business in today's highly competitive business environment," said S.M. Cassiani, vice president of exploration for Exxon USA, the domestic subsidiary of Exxon Corp.
  8. And, most interesting of all to prospective investors, the government is committed to making compulsory competitive tendering a way of life.
  9. Stihl argued that it itself would be at a competitive disadvantage if denied zone status.
  10. London brokers have been hit in the past two years by a wave of heavy layoffs as the firms that had invested heavily after the 1986 Big Bang tried to bring bloated costs into line with a leaner and more competitive market.
  11. He now intends to focus the group's investments on businesses where it has competitive advantages.
  12. They will be the first white-collar services compulsorily exposed to competition under the government's competitive tendering programme.
  13. However, the Inquirer reported that Dunleavy said that previous year's contracts with Clymer's firm were not awarded through competitive procurement policies required by the federal government.
  14. "We are trying to make ourselves more competitive in the market _ both markets," he said.
  15. It is a system, maintains Mr Banchieri which, 'with minor improvements and adaptations we can be very competitive'.
  16. American manufacturing was bolstered by strong demand for exports in the past two years as the decline in the value of the dollar against foreign currencies made U.S. products more competitive in the international marketplace.
  17. The rating concern also cited "continued management instability" at the district, uncertainty over future power costs and concern about the district's ability to keep its rates competitive.
  18. But while the build-up of Japanese competitive pressure ahead of the single European market is plainly part of the story, the Japanese producers are not enjoying life either.
  19. That a new breed of innovative retailers has entered the marketplace, intent on attracting customers to quality goods at lower prices, is precisely the secret of American competitive success.
  20. "If the public investment in Sematech is not followed by an increase in the competitive strength of U.S. chipmakers and their suppliers, Sematech as a public policy will not have been successful," the study said.
  21. "The new structure will make us more competitive with other groups," said Craig Foley, head of the venture capital group.
  22. Trading volume quadrupled amid the biggest bull market here in recent memory, but the competitive free-for-all slashed commission rates, raised overhead and decimated profits.
  23. As a result of the provision and intense competitive pressures, Citicorp saw earnings from its commercial and investment banking business in Europe, North America and Japan plummet 77% to $40 million from $173 million a year earlier.
  24. If the trading and competitive environments improve then it is capable of being very profitable indeed.'
  25. The prime minister, who believes companies perform better when the government isn't running them, has overseen the transformation of stodgy nationalized industries into thriving competitive businesses.
  26. Regarding its U.S. discount, MacMillan Bloedel said it is eliminating a 3% "temporary competitive allowance," effective Jan. 1, but will maintain a 5% discount for customers who purchase their entire annual contract volume.
  27. "This will help small town America become more competitive in today's global economy," said Coleman.
  28. He said IBM regularly surveys the computer market and adjusts its prices to stay competitive with other computer makers.
  29. Awarded by competitive tender, the eight-month contract will be completed in December. The second, for Land Securities, is a six-storey office block in Gough Square, London EC4 where Wiltshier has recently completed an office block development.
  30. Sears Roebuck is expected to announce this week a major revamping of its headquarters buying staff to make its retail unit more competitive.
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