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 commissioner [kә'miʃәnә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 委员, 理事, 行政长官

[法] 委员, 政府的特派员, 地方地官

  1. The old man was a police commissioner before his retirement.
  2. Australian politician who served three terms as prime minister between1908 and1915 and was Australian high commissioner in London(1916-1921).
  3. As the High Commissioner of UNHCR Mr.

[ noun ]
  1. a government administrator

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a member of a commission

  4. <noun.person>

Commissioner \Com*mis"sion*er\, n.
1. A person who has a commission or warrant to perform some
office, or execute some business, for the government,
corporation, or person employing him; as, a commissioner
to take affidavits or to adjust claims.

To another address which requested that a commission
might be sent to examine into the state of things in
Ireland, William returned a gracious answer, and
desired the Commons to name the commissioners.

2. An officer having charge of some department or bureau of
the public service.

Herbert was first commissioner of the Admiralty.

The commissioner of patents, the commissioner of the
land office, the commissioner of Indian affairs, are
subordinates of the secretary of the interior.

{Commissioner of deeds}, an officer having authority to take
affidavits, depositions, acknowledgment of deeds, etc.,
for use in the State by which he is appointed. [U. S.]

{County commissioners}, certain administrative officers in
some of the States, invested by local laws with various
powers in reference to the roads, courthouses, financial
matters, etc., of the county. [U. S.]

  1. "He came up to me and said, `You tell Mickey Roache,' our police commissioner, `he's doing a wonderful job in that Stuart case and we're with him all the way,"' Flynn said.
  2. The Colorado banking commissioner closed two affiliated banks, bringing the number of bank failures nationwide this year to 159, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said.
  3. "We could see whole lines of trees exploding," said Marc Anthony, a state game and parks commissioner who flew over the fire. A mushroom cloud of smoke could be seen from Scottsbluff about 90 miles away.
  4. Speakers scheduled for the memorial dedication included former U.S. Sen. George McGovern; Florence Schroeder, whose son was slain; and Dean Kahler, an Athens County commissioner who was wounded in the protest.
  5. President Bush said Thursday he will nominate Donald R. Quartel Jr., a consultant who has worked in Bush's political campaigns, to be a Federal Maritime commissioner.
  6. Before agreeing to any concessions, however, union officials want guarantees the former baseball commissioner and his partners have a viable plan for running the airline and no plans to sell any more of Eastern's assets.
  7. Immigration commissioner Alan Nelson was put on the spot at a news conference Thursday when a reporter told him critics of the INS say that the civics test questions are not as simple as Nelson suggests.
  8. The victim's mother, Marilyn Bread, is a former commissioner of the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and now teaches business at Haskell.
  9. Mr Carlo Ripa di Meana, the European Community's environment commissioner, calls it 'a turning point in our whole environment policy'.
  10. Mr. Bowman and his family sold their stock in the Greenville, Texas, S&L in 1983 shortly after he became commissioner.
  11. In a memo written by city Human Resources Administrator William Grinker and Sara L. Kellermann, the commissioner of the city's Department of Mental Health, the two argued that the plan was ill-advised.
  12. The city's school board has upheld a five-day suspension of Principal Joe Clark by a 7-1 vote, with the dissenting vote from a commissioner who wanted the flamboyant principal dismissed.
  13. If confirmed, Lochner would serve the remaining 17 months of the term of former commissioner David S. Ruder, who stepped down last year and was succeeded as SEC chairman by Bush aide Richard Breeden.
  14. A. A. Sommer Jr., a former SEC commissioner who is partner in the Washington office of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, a law firm, will be chairman of the committee.
  15. "This clears away the main obstacle to a Glenn candidacy," contended Timothy Hagan, a Cuyhoga County commissioner who headed the Ohio campaigns of Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy in 1980 and former Vice President Walter Mondale in 1984.
  16. Under them, simple decisions are taken by the Commission's merger task force and only initialled by the commissioner.
  17. At the Interstate Commerce Commission: J.J. Simmons III, commissioner.
  18. What greeted the pro-consumer gesture was the best attended congressional hearing the commissioner ever faced.
  19. "It was getting to the point where a guy with traffic violations was forced to go before a hearing," says a former commissioner.
  20. However, Mr Frans Andriessen, the Dutch external relations commissioner, took the opposite view.
  21. "We've all made statements that we regret at times, and I think the important thing here is that the commissioner made a very positive statement, right up front," Gripp said.
  22. "Banks don't do a large amount of unsecured lending unless a person has a pretty substantial financial statement and the person is liquid," said Michael Pint, a Minnesota bank owner and former state banking commissioner.
  23. Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, has threatened to lock the players out unless they sign an agreement by Saturday. Asian Games.
  24. When only Dennis Underwood, commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, showed up at Thursday's hearing, Miller refused to accept his testimony.
  25. The commissioner also said unsupervised aspirin use can cause intestinal bleeding and aggravate gout, peptic ulcer, and kidney and liver disease.
  26. The commissioner of labor statistics, Janet Norwood, called the drop in factory jobs "the most disturbing feature" of the new data.
  27. In mid-March, Torchmark developed a two-prong attack, the acting commissioner found: Seek first to negotiate a merger, and if that failed, launch a proxy contest.
  28. "We need the best police commissioner we could find," Dinkins told reporters. "Of all of the finalists, he seemed to be the absolute best in the country." Brown will take over Jan. 22 in a city wracked with drug-related crime.
  29. The commissioner said he was "so busy" in his job that he never read, listened or watched advertising and thus did not know if any ads run that violated the FDA position have been run.
  30. State inspectors found the blowtorch Friday near the site of Wednesday's explosion, which officials believe to have been fueled by methane gas, said Willard Stanley, commissioner of the Department of Mines and Minerals.
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