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 commissioning [kə'mɪʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 试的

[化] 试运转; 试车; 投产; 投入生产

  1. The Detroit contractor was asked to kick$5, 000 back as commission.
  2. The commission we shall require will be1.5% on the amount realized; bank commission0.25%.
  3. The painting could change hands for about$2, 000 and if he played it right he could get a commission from both parties.

[ noun ]
the act of granting authority to undertake certain functions

Commission \Com*mis"sion\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Commissioned};
p. pr & vb. n. {Commissioning}.]
1. To give a commission to; to furnish with a commission; to
empower or authorize; as, to commission persons to perform
certain acts; to commission an officer.

2. To send out with a charge or commission.

A chosen band
He first commissions to the Latian land. --Dryden.

Syn: To appoint; depute; authorize; empower; delegate;
constitute; ordain.

  1. It also received commissioning funds from the New York State Council on the Arts.
  2. More conservative alternatives, like the Marriage and Family Counselling Service, were considered before the final choice went to Relate. Shortage of funds has prevented Relate commissioning market research into the effects of the name change.
  3. Channel 4 had the praiseworthy idea of commissioning three new 'operas' for television which, in the event, looked as though they set out deliberately to confirm all the worst expectations of opera-phobes, being pretentious, unmelodious and silly.
  4. William B. Hayden, the carrier's commander, received the commissioning order from Vice Adm.
  5. IT HARDLY needs saying that craftsmen today are hungry for work and so there could hardly be a better time to think about commissioning something special.
  6. There will then be eight weeks of public consultation, which may result in a public hearing to air the environmental issues raised. "We're unable to get into active commissioning as planned,' BNF said.
  7. The National & Provincial is buying in software from financial systems giants and commissioning adventurous work from small development shops. N&P is trying to galvanise its senior executives with a Pounds 300,000 suite of software from NCR.
  8. More seriously, the commissioning of the Dollars 160m Gabal el-Asfar treatment plant was seriously delayed by disputes between the Egyptian and British sides over financing.
  9. One of them is then selected to negotiate with the commissioning company. The ultimate price paid for the construction project will include the costs which the other companies incurred in drawing up their bids.
  10. The group has been commissioning a new copper tube mill but margins have been tiny and the divisional management is seeking cost reductions.
  11. Mr Bonser said that if BNF were given immediate permission to carry out uranium commissioning, 500 jobs would be saved. The latest job losses are a further blow to west Cumbria, which is struggling to diversify its economy and stem a tide of job losses.
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