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 coloratura [,kɔlərə'tuərə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 声乐的花腔, 花腔歌手

    [ noun ]
    1. a lyric soprano who specializes in coloratura vocal music

    2. <noun.person>
    3. singing with florid ornamentation

    4. <noun.act>

    1. For the demanding solo soprano role in "Neither," a part punishing in its ceaseless high tessitura, Mr. Audi turned to none other than Reri Grist, the once popular American coloratura.
    2. Dressed in golden pantaloons, Simone Alaimo was quite a swaggering sultan, even if his coloratura technique wasn't nearly as polished as the teeth he flashed so menacingly at one point that a retainer fell down in dazzled dread.
    3. Beginning with an ungainly coloratura entrance, the young American soprano could offer little in the way of phrasing or personality.
    4. The all-Chinese cast of debut artists includes baritone Sun Yu as Chou Hu, the "angry tiger" who returns from imprisonment to seek revenge; and coloratura soprano Ying Yeh as Jin Zi, a woman torn between her husband and her lover.
    5. The Queen of the Night sang coloratura ice daggers, and gave a magic flute to the doughty Tamino, who set out to free her daughter Pamina from the fell clutch of the evil wizard Sarastro.
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