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 colorectal [ˌkəʊlə'rektəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. [解]结肠直肠的

    [ adj ]
    relating to or affecting the colon and the rectum
    most colorectal cancers arise from adenomatous polyps

    1. Previous studies suggested smoking interferes with estrogen function and that estrogen levels might be linked to the risk of colorectal cancer.
    2. Colon and rectal, or colorectal, cancer kills about 60,000 U.S. residents each year, making it second to lung cancer among cancer killers.
    3. An estimated 145,000 colorectal cancer cases are diagnosed in the United States each year, Hahn said.
    4. The drop in hospitalization rates parallel a drop in incidence rates for cervical cancer, colorectal cancer and male lung cancer, Mendlein said.
    5. The colorectal cancer risk for 4,338 smokers who were 65 or older in 1963 was estimated to be 42 percent of that of their nonsmoking counterparts.
    6. The colorectal cancer rates among the Chinese-American men are about the same as among white American men, Ms. Whittemore said.
    7. Post-surgical therapy for colorectal cancer patients has been an area of intense study among physicians worldwide for decades, but clincial drug trials have failed until recent years to show the additional treatment to be of any benefit.
    8. Wu-Williams said the study found about a fivefold increase in risk of colorectal cancer associated with a sedentary lifestyle and a diet with more than 20 grams (about two-thirds of an ounce) of saturated fat a day for men in North America.
    9. The study does provide new evidence, however, that the female hormone estrogen plays a role in colorectal cancer, they said.
    10. "I'm going to be in my office 12 hours today," Buenaflor said. "I will net less than a colorectal guy across town will do for a 20-minute colonoscopy," a routine diagnostic procedure.
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