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 collage [kə'lɑʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拼贴画

  1. In collage I specialize in organic chemistry.
  2. I wish to furbish up the French I learned at collage.
  3. Collage English Test Band6, good command of both spoken and written English.

[ noun ]
  1. a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image

  2. <noun.artifact>
    he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map
  3. any collection of diverse things

  4. <noun.group>
    a collage of memories

collage \collage\ n.
1. any picture made by sticking together pieces of paper or
photographs, especially in unusual or surprising ways.

Syn: montage.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. the technique of producing a work of art that is a

3. any composite object, whether abstract or concrete,
created by assembling components of varied types.

4. (Cinema) a film having scenes of different types or from
different locations displayed in rapid succession without

  1. It features photo collage animation, using 24 photographs per second and a total of 6,840 photographs.
  2. One priceless piece is a collage by Edgar Heap of Birds, a Cheyenne-Arapaho artist.
  3. Alan Bates was a sensitive guide to the one heart-tearing moment of the evening - a collage of film clips showing Fonteyn and Nureyev.
  4. But the sheer mass of material and the multitude of generalisations drawn from the exhaustive collage of instances he has collected make it difficult to find here any coherent analysis.
  5. It depicts the horrified face of a soldier, surrounded by a dark, swirling montage of images that Nisbet termed a "collage of horrible memories." Many of the artists' works invoke feelings of helplessness and anxiety.
  6. Meanwhile, an interest in collage and graphic ephemera is picked up from Picasso only to lie dormant for a generation, to re-emerge, writ large, as post-war American Pop.
  7. An excessively complex mixed-media polyglot collage, it holds its audience much of the time at too great a distance. Yet, in certain passages, it exerts a mysteriously absorbing power over our sensations. The starting-point of 'Escape at Sea' is exile.
  8. City streets have gotten a little meaner and a lot more dangerous in the 11 years since Elizabeth Swados put a group of young people on stage in "Runaways," a musical collage about kids who ran away from home.
  9. Only the catalogue can tell us that they have been printed out on an ink-jet press, regulated by computer, the images amplified from collage studies.
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