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 collagen ['kɑlədʒən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胶原

[化] 骨胶原; 胶原

[医] 胶原

  1. Collagen in the skin of fast complement.
  2. Results: Type I collagen was expressed in all cells.
  3. Collagen is taken as one of the most useful biomaterials.

[ noun ]
a fibrous scleroprotein in bone and cartilage and tendon and other connective tissue; yields gelatin on boiling

Collagen \Col"la*gen\, n. [Gr. ko`lla glue + -gen.] (Physiol.
The chemical basis of ordinary connective tissue, as of
tendons or sinews and of bone. On being boiled in water it
becomes gelatin or glue.

  1. Its sufferers have defective collagen, a protein found in connective tissue.
  2. The researchers made this kind of mutation in the gene that produces Type 1 collagen in mice.
  3. In the report in Science, the researchers said they tested the DNA from 18 of the families and found that people with the disease were missing fragments of the collagen gene.
  4. Called the 'the first internal cosmetic' by its distributors it is said to thicken the skin without sun and increase levels of collagen and elastin.
  5. C.R. Bard lost 1 7/8 to 20. The Food and Drug Administration has asked for more data on a collagen implant for the treatment of urinary stress incontinence that Bard is developing with Collagen Corp.
  6. Meanwhile, surgeons are experimenting with injecting such substances as collagen or Teflon to compress and support the sphincter muscle, which controls the opening of the bladder to the urethra.
  7. The cells and collagen gradually form a structure organized like natural skin's dermal layer.
  8. Chiron Ophthalmics, a unit of the biotechnology concern, said the shield is made of purified bovine collagen and dissolves on the eye within 24 hours.
  9. Then, earlier this year, researchers at the University of Oulu in Finland found most of a gene that directs cells to make a kidney collagen, a protein that is part of the kidney's blood-filtering machinery.
  10. Moreover, in an attempt to shore up confidence in the treatments, the company said it would pay certain legal costs of physicians who are targets of lawsuits "brought to a jury trial" alleging a link between the collagen and the autoimmune diseases.
  11. Prockop said they focused on the collagen, called type III procollagen, because it determines the strength of the aortic walls.
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