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 clocking 添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 定时

  1. He clocked 9.8 seconds for the 100 metres.
  2. The new censorship law will put the clock back (by) 50 years.
    新的审查条例是开倒车, 要退回到50年前的水平.
  3. I've set the clock for6:30 so that we can be up early to climb mountain before breakfast.

[ noun ]
the time taken to traverse a measured course
it was a world record clocking

clocking \clocking\ n.
the time taken to traverse a measured course; as, it was a
world record clocking.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Crider said the rangers stopped Landry after clocking his car on radar at 40 mph in a 15 mph zone.
  2. While piste skiers were clocking up endless runs no more than a mile away, our small group, accompanied by Olivier Laborie, our guide, set off on an off-piste odyssey.
  3. But there isn't any of it." Before clocking in at her job in central Moscow one recent morning, Nina Ivanova was already working to find the makings of that night's dinner for herself and her husband.
  4. According to the German Economic Institute, they seem increasingly ready to bunk off work and head for the nearest beer hall. The institute reckons those employed in industry should be clocking up an average of just over 1,650 hours a year.
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