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 clockwork ['klɒkwә:k]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 钟表装置, 发条装置

[电] 时钟开关

  1. The milkman calls at seven-thirty every morning, regular as clockwork.
  2. She arrives every day at five, (as) regular as clockwork.
    她每天五点钟到, 极有规律.
  3. The landlady was sent out for a two-hour walk with the dog, no matter what the weather; whereupon the niece and the respectable looking middle-aged man promptly went upstairs. He was as regular as clockwork.

[ noun ]
any mechanism of geared wheels that is driven by a coiled spring; resembles the works of a mechanical clock

Clockwork \Clock"work`\ (-w[^u]rk`), n.
The machinery of a clock, or machinery resembling that of a
clock; machinery which produces regularity of movement.

  1. The bomb's clockwork mechanism malfunctioned, police said.
  2. It outlined a clockwork convention, with "spontaneous demonstrations" included and timed to the minute.
  3. Sillitoe sets up the clockwork, and just lets it unwind; the reader quickly ceases to care who does what to whom, and the author gives no indication that he cares either.
  4. One is whether the mutations in mitochondrial genes occur like clockwork.
  5. Wearing a red satin hat and jacket with a white ruffled collar, he kneels at a brass writing table, poised to entertain his guests. His "brain" is in brass cams and clockwork motors in a large chest underneath the table.
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