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 cinematic [`sɪnɪ'mætɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 电影的, 影片的

  1. A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative.
  2. A highly sentimental artistic, cinematic, or dramatic work.
  3. An ad campaign with striking visuals; trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual.

[ adj ]
of or pertaining to or characteristic of the cinema

Cinematic \Cin`e*mat"ic\, Cinematical \Cin`e*mat"ic*al\, a.
1. See {Kinematic}.

2. Of or pertaining to the cinema; as, cinematic
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. And "Grand Hotel," based on the Vicki Baum novel and the famous MGM film starring Greta Garbo and John Barrymore, moves with a fluidity that approaches the cinematic.
  2. As a demonstration of their power, the cinematic terrorists reset an altitude reading transmitted from the tower to approaching planes.
  3. Brandstrup studied film at Copenhagen University, and his dance works often suggest cinematic structure.
  4. It's cinematic anarchy, a free-for-all in the cheap seats.
  5. These were seen afresh in the light of our modern world, and if it seemed cinematic, that is how it should have seemed.
  6. Brian Levant directs. Dogs are part of today's cinematic vogue for anarchic inarticulacy.
  7. Director Stan Wojewodski Jr. of Baltimore's Center Stage has given the play a fluid, cinematic feeling as the short scenes blend quickly into each other.
  8. He decides how the action will be divided into panels that keep the story moving in cinematic fashion.
  9. The controversy surrounding "Wired" didn't help it at the box office, as John Belushi's cinematic life story opened to miserable weekend business while "Uncle Buck" again held down the top spot.
  10. Now, in the homestretch of the campaign, the Democrats have unveiled South Africa's first cinematic political advertisements, which appear amid film previews and cigarette commercials at movie theaters nationwide.
  11. Mr. Itami's energetic cinematic style draws on the Hollywood pictures he must have watched and his sense of Japanese ritual.
  12. But De Laurentiis Entertainment Group Inc., which made the horror flick for an estimated $4.8 million, says "Pumpkinhead" won't be contributing to the annual cinematic mayhem that usually marks the holiday.
  13. Demme's last undertaking, The Silence of the Lambs, was one of the great critical and commercial successes of recent cinematic history.
  14. But in exchange for 40 French francs (about $7.25), you can give reality the slip and step inside this stereophonic cinematic spectacular.
  15. Not that this cinematic anthology of an old man's visions isn't extraordinarily vivid and evocative as well as quite moving; it is.
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