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 Cineraria maritima 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 雪叶莲

    cineraria maritima
    [ noun ]
    stiff much-branched perennial of the Mediterranean region having very white woolly stems and leaves

    dusty \dust"y\ (d[u^]st"[y^]), a. [Compar. {Dustier}
    (d[u^]st"[i^]*[~e]r); superl. {Dustiest}
    (d[u^]st"[i^]*[e^]st).] [AS. dystig. See {Dust}.]
    1. Filled, covered, or sprinkled with dust; clouded with
    dust; as, a dusty table; a dusty attic; also, reducing to

    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. --Shak.

    2. Like dust; of the color of dust; as, a dusty white.

    {Dusty miller} (Bot.), a plant ({Cineraria maritima}); -- so
    called because of the ashy-white coating of its leaves.

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