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 centering ['sɛntɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 定中心, 中心调整

[化] 打中心孔; 定(中,圆)心; 找中心; 找正

[医] 集中

  1. The capital and largest city of North Korea, in the southwest-central part of the country. It was an important cultural center and became capital of North Korea in1948. Population, 1,283,000.
  2. A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. Incorporated in1626, it is a major commercial, transportation, communications, and industrial center. Population, 718,100.
  3. The capital of Swaziland, in the northwest part of the country. It is a commercial center for an agricultural region. Population, 33,000.

[ noun ]
  1. the concentration of attention or energy on something

  2. <noun.cognition>
    the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology
    he had no direction in his life
  3. (American football) putting the ball in play by passing it (between the legs) to a back

  4. <noun.act>
    the quarterback fumbled the snap

Centering \Cen"ter*ing\, n. (Arch.)
Same as {Center}, n., 6. [Written also {centring}.]

Center \Cen"ter\, Centre \Cen"tre\ v. i. [imp. & p. p.
{Centered} or {Centred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Centering} or
1. To be placed in a center; to be central.

2. To be collected to a point; to be concentrated; to rest
on, or gather about, as a center.

Where there is no visible truth wherein to center,
error is as wide as men's fancies. --Dr. H. More.

Our hopes must center in ourselves alone. --Dryden.

  1. Riots erupted for a third night in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, with violence centering on the city's mixed-race district.
  2. In centering on the disruption of a few proud local customs such as the historichomes tour and the damage to the antiquities, your reporter served to only perpetuate an outdated and stereotypically provincial view of this otherwise thriving port city.
  3. In the new leadership "everyone supports reform," Grosz told the news conference, with debate centering on the type of reform and the pace at which it should occur.
  4. Both the pilot and the co-pilot died in the crash, and the inquiry is centering on the cockpit voice recorder and fight data recorder.
  5. Pageant management was changed in 1988, but many of the complaints were similar, centering on long hours and few days off.
  6. The logic was simple: Yields were higher than elsewhere, and those countries were assumed to have a commitment to stable exchange rates within the European Monetary System, a joint float of 10 currencies centering on the mark.
  7. More than 100 people have been killed in ethnic violence in the two republics the past 19 months, with much of the conflict centering on the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.
  8. Centering the Dot." The phrases "centering up the T" and "centering the dot" refer to the use of a cockpit steering cue to ensure an optimum missile launch position.
  9. Centering the Dot." The phrases "centering up the T" and "centering the dot" refer to the use of a cockpit steering cue to ensure an optimum missile launch position.
  10. Since its inception in 1969, CCHR has attacked psychiatry, centering on treatments such as electric shock and drugs.
  11. Speculation centering on Burlington's real estate and energy holdings has moved the stock recently.
  12. The republics have been locked in a decades-old dispute, largely centering on Nagorno-Karabakh.
  13. But without "Family Ties," a half-hour centering on consumer-minded children in a home headed by former hippies, there might not be any such projects to pursue.
  14. France's Alcatel N.V. has a huge presence at the show, centering on a pavilion that also reaches four stories high and looks rather like a small office building, complete with its own glass elevator.
  15. Most recently, Xerox ran ads centering on its Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
  16. As buying centering on speculative shares gradually spread to blue-chip issues, Tokyo stock prices moved up strongly late in the afternoon session, helped by dealer and corporate buying, traders said.
  17. Dukakis has been getting plenty of advice about where to turn for the second spot on the Democratic ticket, most of it centering on members of the Senate.
  18. The charges, Gabelli officials and lawyers contend, are strictly technical, centering on the types of disclosures made with the SEC concerning Gabelli's accumulation of Di Giorgio stock last year in a failed takeover bid.
  19. Rising oil prices and the overnight decline in Wall Street dampened morning optimism centering around the yen's appreciation against the dollar, dealers said.
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