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 centerpiece ['sentəpi:s]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 中心装饰品,(餐桌中央的摆饰)

    [ noun ]
    1. the central or most important feature

    2. <noun.cognition>
      education was the centerpiece of the Democratic Party's political platform
    3. something placed at the center of something else (as on a table)

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Centerpiece \Cen"ter*piece`\, Centrepiece \Cen"tre*piece`\, n.
    1. An ornament to be placed in the center, as of a table,
    ceiling, atc.; a central article or figure.

    2. the central or most important feature of an activity,
    plan, or object; as, the centerpiece of her campaign was a
    proposal to slash taxes.

    1. Initially lukewarm to the idea of parental choice when it comes to their child's school, Cavazos has since enthusiastically embaced what has become the centerpiece of Bush's education initiative.
    2. All are Republican members of the House who made tax opposition the centerpiece of their challenges to Democratic senators.
    3. The centerpiece of that plan, he said, is a 25,000-square-foot dream house on a lot overlooking a Tampa lake, complete with a racketball court and giant playrooms for his two young boys.
    4. As its centerpiece is Kemp's plan for encouraging home ownership among low and moderate-income families.
    5. The centerpiece of the package, called the "rural partnership act," is a revolving loan fund program to provide $300 million in seed money over five years for new and expanding businesses.
    6. Placid's project, located in the gulf's Green Canyon, is a controversial centerpiece of Placid's plan to drill its way out of its financial problems.
    7. A group of conservative policy makers inside the White House, with strong backing from HUD Secretary Jack Kemp, is pressing to make "empowering" initiatives in housing, education and welfare the centerpiece of Bush's next State of the Union address.
    8. Tough talk on trade was the centerpiece as the south St. Louis congressman began his bid before a flag-waving crowd here.
    9. Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari has made debt reduction the centerpiece of his new administration's policies and he has tried to woo lenders offering both economic and political reform.
    10. A huge pepper tree is the centerpiece of the two-acre garden of marble and granite where most graves bear the inscription: "Rest in Peace." "We suffered extensive damage to the upright stones in four cemeteries," said Dias.
    11. Longview Fibre Co. said it agreed to purchase a 300-ton-a-day kraft paper machine from Beloit Corp., as the centerpiece of a planned $90 million expansion of its kraft paper operations here.
    12. The idea of parental choice, already state law in Minnesota, Arkansas and Iowa, is a centerpiece of the administration's education policy.
    13. A new production of Wagner's epic "Ring" cycle under East German director Harry Kupfer and celebrated Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim, will be the centerpiece of Bayreuth's Richard Wagner Festival, which opens on July 26.
    14. Last year, for example, Mr. Baeza devised the ESOP that was the centerpiece of the $3.5 billion recapitalization plan Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. adopted to fend off a hostile takeover attempt from British publisher Robert Maxwell.
    15. Mr. Salinas, a Harvard-trained economist, made the pledge of "clean, transparent" elections the centerpiece of his electoral campaign, but faced resistance from PRI hard-liners.
    16. Fireworks, parades and concerts by military bands also are planned in Dunkirk, but the centerpiece of the commemoration will be the arrival of the so-called Little Ships.
    17. The centerpiece of their plan, the companies said, is to produce a $5,000 workstation within two years.
    18. The USA division, the centerpiece of Coke's world-wide operations, recently appointed an outsider, Theodore Host, as its senior marketing executive.
    19. In early 1989, the foundation launched a modest marketing campaign stressing friendly community life, top-notch schools and crime-free environment, with the cash incentive as the centerpiece.
    20. The Rocky Mountain trout isn't a threat, it's the centerpiece of a dinner Agnos won in a Super Bowl bet with the mayor of Denver.
    21. Private banks holding LDC debt have become restive in part because Nicholas Brady and his underlings at Treasury have made forgiveness a centerpiece of debt-relief efforts.
    22. The $413 million Magellan, centerpiece of a $744 million mission, was released from the shuttle Atlantis in May 1989, then launched by a booster rocket.
    23. The $413 million spacecraft, centerpiece of a $744 million mission, was scheduled to zoom over Venus' north pole and then drop into orbit after it fires its braking rocket at 9:32 a.m. PDT Friday.
    24. The centerpiece of the program will be a $270 million (1.4 billion franc) fund to assist farmers in debt because of foreign competition or a prolonged drought in France.
    25. The indexation plan was designed as the centerpiece of the anti-inflation program, called the Economic Solidarity Pact.
    26. Mr. Reagan came into office criticizing the Democrats' tendency to make U.S.-Soviet arms control and summitry the centerpiece of their foreign policies.
    27. State-run media had no initial comment about the summit, whose projected centerpiece is the signing of a treaty now being negotiated that would reduce long-range nuclear weapons on both sides by 30 percent to 50 percent.
    28. Turner Broadcasting said an idea for another entertainment network, which would use films from its MGM library as its centerpiece, is still under consideration.
    29. The bureau's sting operation resulted in a videotape of Barry allegedly smoking crack cocaine and is the centerpiece of the government's case.
    30. Jesse Jackson planned a $70,000 television campaign in Michigan starting today, with half of the money to being spent in Detroit. The centerpiece was a Bill Cosby endorsement which he has used before.
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