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 carpet sweeper 添加此单词到默认生词本

    carpet sweeper
    [ noun ]
    a cleaning implement with revolving brushes that pick up dirt as the implement is pushed over a carpet

    Carpet \Car"pet\ (k[aum]r"p[e^]t), n. [OF. carpite rug, soft of
    cloth, F. carpette coarse packing cloth, rug (cf. It. carpita
    rug, blanket), LL. carpeta, carpita, woolly cloths, fr. L.
    carpere to pluck, to card (wool); cf. Gr. karpo`s fruit, E.
    1. A heavy woven or felted fabric, usually of wool, but also
    of cotton, hemp, straw, etc.; esp. a floor covering made
    in breadths to be sewed together and nailed to the floor,
    as distinguished from a rug or mat; originally, also, a
    wrought cover for tables.

    Tables and beds covered with copes instead of
    carpets and coverlets. --T. Fuller.

    2. A smooth soft covering resembling or suggesting a carpet.
    ``The grassy carpet of this plain.'' --Shak.

    {Carpet beetle} or {Carpet bug} (Zo["o]l.), a small beetle
    ({Anthrenus scrophulari[ae]}), which, in the larval state,
    does great damage to carpets and other woolen goods; --
    also called {buffalo bug}.

    {Carpet knight}.
    (a) A knight who enjoys ease and security, or luxury, and
    has not known the hardships of the field; a hero of
    the drawing room; an effeminate person. --Shak.
    (b) One made a knight, for some other than military
    distinction or service.

    {Carpet moth} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of an insect which feeds
    on carpets and other woolen goods. There are several
    kinds. Some are the larv[ae] of species of {Tinea} (as
    {Tinea tapetzella}); others of beetles, esp. {Anthrenus}.

    {Carpet snake} (Zo["o]l.), an Australian snake. See {Diamond
    snake}, under {Diamond}.

    {Carpet sweeper}, an apparatus or device for sweeping

    {To be on the carpet}, to be under consideration; to be the
    subject of deliberation; to be in sight; -- an expression
    derived from the use of carpets as table cover.

    {Brussels carpet}. See under {Brussels}.

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