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 carpetbagger ['kɑrpɪt'bægɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (美)南北战争后只带一个旅行袋去南方投机谋利的北方人, 非本地区的政客

    [ noun ]
    an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously
    after the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south

    Carpetbagger \Car"pet*bag`ger\, n.
    An adventurer; -- a term of contempt for a Northern man
    seeking private gain or political advancement in the southern
    part of the United States after the Civil War (1865). [U. S.]

    1. This city was still bitter at Mr. Johnson's moving the headquarters from here last year, and many regard the impending leveraged buy-out and breakup of RJR as this carpetbagger's final blow to a great company.
    2. In turn, Hubbard has slammed Smith as a carpetbagger, accusing him of moving back to Kentucky for the sole purpose of seeking political office.
    3. Some wonder if he is a carpetbagger who moved from his native Milwaukee to northern Wisconsin only to run for Congress, Zweck said.
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