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 canto ['kænto]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 长诗的篇章, 曲调

  1. The Fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam tells of innumerable universes.
  2. In Geneva, he wrote the third canto of Childe Harold and the narrative poem The Prisoner of Chillon.
  3. Hong Kong people listens to music, just like any of us. From Hong Kong Canto pop music to the really classical ones.

[ noun ]
  1. the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. a major division of a long poem

  4. <noun.communication>

Canto \Can"to\, n.; pl. {Cantos}. [It. canto, fr. L. cantus
singing, song. See {Chant}.]
1. One of the chief divisions of a long poem; a book.

2. (Mus.) The highest vocal part; the air or melody in choral
music; anciently the tenor, now the soprano.

{Canto fermo}[It.] (Mus.), the plain ecclesiastical chant in
cathedral service; the plain song.

  1. He has specialized in bel canto operas, by Rossini, Bellini and Donizetti, mostly in Europe.
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