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 Canton flannel 添加此单词到默认生词本
绒布(等于cotton flannel);广东长绒法兰绒

    canton flannel
    [ noun ]
    a stout cotton fabric with nap on only one side

    Cotton \Cot"ton\ (k[o^]t"t'n), n. [F. coton, Sp. algodon the
    cotton plant and its wool, coton printed cotton, cloth, fr.
    Ar. qutun, alqutun, cotton wool. Cf. {Acton}, {Hacqueton}.]
    1. A soft, downy substance, resembling fine wool, consisting
    of the unicellular twisted hairs which grow on the seeds
    of the cotton plant. Long-staple cotton has a fiber
    sometimes almost two inches long; short-staple, from two
    thirds of an inch to an inch and a half.

    2. The cotton plant. See {Cotten plant}, below.

    3. Cloth made of cotton.

    Note: Cotton is used as an adjective before many nouns in a
    sense which commonly needs no explanation; as, cotton
    bagging; cotton cloth; cotton goods; cotton industry;
    cotton mill; cotton spinning; cotton tick.

    {Cotton cambric}. See {Cambric}, n., 2.

    {Cotton flannel}, the manufactures' name for a heavy cotton
    fabric, twilled, and with a long plush nap. In England it
    is called {swan's-down cotton}, or {Canton flannel}.

    {Cotton gin}, a machine to separate the seeds from cotton,
    invented by Eli Whitney.

    {Cotton grass} (Bot.), a genus of plants ({Eriphorum}) of the
    Sedge family, having delicate capillary bristles
    surrounding the fruit (seedlike achenia), which elongate
    at maturity and resemble tufts of cotton.

    {Cotton mouse} (Zool.), a field mouse ({Hesperomys
    gossypinus}), injurious to cotton crops.

    {Cotton plant} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Gossypium}, of
    several species, all growing in warm climates, and bearing
    the cotton of commerce. The common species, originally
    Asiatic, is {Gossypium herbaceum}.

    {Cotton press}, a building and machinery in which cotton
    bales are compressed into smaller bulk for shipment; a
    press for baling cotton.

    {Cotton rose} (Bot.), a genus of composite herbs ({Filago}),
    covered with a white substance resembling cotton.

    {Cotton scale} (Zo["o]l.), a species of bark louse
    ({Pulvinaria innumerabilis}), which does great damage to
    the cotton plant.

    {Cotton shrub}. Same as Cotton plant.

    {Cotton stainer} (Zo["o]l.), a species of hemipterous insect
    ({Dysdercus suturellus}), which seriously damages growing
    cotton by staining it; -- called also {redbug}.

    {Cotton thistle} (Bot.), the Scotch thistle. See under

    {Cotton velvet}, velvet in which the warp and woof are both
    of cotton, and the pile is of silk; also, velvet made
    wholly of cotton.

    {Cotton waste}, the refuse of cotton mills.

    {Cotton wool}, cotton in its raw or woolly state.

    {Cotton worm} (Zool.), a lepidopterous insect ({Aletia
    argillacea}), which in the larval state does great damage
    to the cotton plant by eating the leaves. It also feeds on
    corn, etc., and hence is often called {corn worm}, and
    {Southern army worm}.

    Canton flannel \Can"ton flan"nel\
    See {Cotton flannel}.

    Flannel \Flan"nel\ (fl[a^]n"n[e^]l), n. [F. flanelle, cf. OF.
    flaine a pillowcase, a mattress (?); fr. W. gwlanen flannel,
    fr. gwlan wool; prob. akin to E. wool. Cf. {Wool}.]
    1. A soft, nappy, woolen cloth, of loose texture. --Shak.

    2. a cotton fabric with a thick nap on one side, resembling
    flannel[1]; it is used, e. g. for underwear or sheets;
    also called {flanellette}.

    3. pl. garments made of flannel, especially underwear.

    4. a washcloth. [Brit.]

    5. humbug; nonsensical or evasive talk. [Brit. informal]

    6. insincere flattery or praise. [Brit. informal]

    {Adam's flannel}. (Bot.) See under {Adam}.

    {Canton flannel}, {Cotton flannel}. See {Cotton flannel},
    under {Cotton}.

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