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 cantala   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. hard fiber used in making coarse twine; from Philippine agave plants

    2. <noun.plant>
    3. Philippine plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine

    4. <noun.plant>

    Maguey \Mag"uey\, n. [Sp. maguey, Mexican maguei and metl.]
    Any of several species of {Agave}, such as the {century
    plant} ({Agave Americana}), a plant requiring many years to
    come to maturity and blossoming only once before dying; and
    the {Agave atrovirens}, a Mexican plant used especially for
    making {pulque}, the source of the colorless Mexican liquor
    {mescal}; and the {cantala} ({Agave cantala}), a Philippine
    plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine. See
    [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

    2. A hard fibre used in making coarse twine, derived from the
    Philippine Agave cantala ({Agave cantala}); also called
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Maguey \Mag"uey\, n. [Sp. maguey, Mexican maguei and metl.]
    Any of several species of {Agave}, such as the {century
    plant} ({Agave Americana}), a plant requiring many years to
    come to maturity and blossoming only once before dying; and
    the {Agave atrovirens}, a Mexican plant used especially for
    making {pulque}, the source of the colorless Mexican liquor
    {mescal}; and the {cantala} ({Agave cantala}), a Philippine
    plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine. See
    [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

    2. A hard fibre used in making coarse twine, derived from the
    Philippine Agave cantala ({Agave cantala}); also called
    [WordNet 1.5]

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