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 Cante 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Cante)人名;(法)康特;(意)坎特

    Cantle \Can"tle\, n. [OF. cantel, chantel, corner, side, piece,
    F. chanteau a piece cut from a larger piece, dim. of OF. cant
    edge, corner. See 1st {Cant}.]
    1. A corner or edge of anything; a piece; a fragment; a part.
    ``In one cantle of his law.'' --Milton.

    Cuts me from the best of all my land
    A huge half moon, a monstrous cantle out. --Shak.

    2. The upwardly projecting rear part of saddle, opposite to
    the pommel. [Written also {cante}.]

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