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 cannonball ['kænәnbɒ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 炮弹

  1. Bombs and cannonballs rained upon the town.
  2. In the flight kinetic model of cannonball and racket, discriminating and identifying the resistance coefficients is the important task.
  3. Garfield: Trying to sleep it, huh? Trying to aviod your duties, eh? Well, that just ain't gonna fly! See, I've been doing my exercise. Just one quick CANNONBALL!

[ noun ]
a solid projectile that in former times was fired from a cannon

  1. He became concerned after hearing news reports 10 days earlier that an identical cannonball that was given to the St. Clements Island Museum had been found to be live, said fire marshal's spokesman Bob Thomas.
  2. Combs said his cannonball had been collecting dust in a tool shed behind his home since 1961, when he found it while deer hunting near Chantilly, Va., Thomas said.
  3. The bomb squad determined Combs' cannonball also was live and took it to a bomb laboratory in Harford County, where investigators are trying to defuse and salvage the museum's cannonball, which a Potomac River clammer found in his net.
  4. The bomb squad determined Combs' cannonball also was live and took it to a bomb laboratory in Harford County, where investigators are trying to defuse and salvage the museum's cannonball, which a Potomac River clammer found in his net.
  5. The bomb squad from the Maryland Fire Marshal's Office was called to defuse the six-inch, rusty-brown cannonball, estimated to be about 120 years old, said Bob Thomas, a spokesman for the office.
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