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 cannot ['kænɒt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
aux. 无法, 不能

  1. She cannot buy daily necessities, much less luxuries.
  2. I was not privy to the discussion, so I cannot tell you what was decided.
  3. Man cannot exist without air.

Cannot \Can"not\ [Can to be able + -not.]
Am, is, or are, not able; -- written either as one word or

  1. The KIO has earlier changed and stopped the flow of funds to Spanish assets. A spokesman for Grupo Torras, the KIO's holding company in Spain, said yesterday: 'We cannot make Prima viable in the present environment'.
  2. "Windows cannot be opened without a screen to keep flies and bacteria from coming in freely," Vice Education Minister He Dongchang said in a recent interview.
  3. It is unreasonable to expect weapons manufacturers to pay a larger share of tooling costs, for example, if the services cannot guarantee sufficient annual sales.
  4. Li paid tribute to the force for helping crush the spring democracy movement, but added, "China faces a long-term struggle and we cannot afford to slacken our vigilance," Xinhua said.
  5. "I cannot meet with the leader of an invading nation," Garcia said Thursday.
  6. That job, of course, is to bury inflation so deeply it cannot arise again for years.
  7. "We don't know what it (`Iranian Nights') is all about; nothing was sent to us," said Muhammed Ebrahim, executive secretary of the Islamic Council. "What we don't know, we cannot be concerned with.
  8. Although relaxations in rules are on the way, at present societies cannot lend for business purposes. This can lead to difficult decisions in dealing with sole traders.
  9. The company already has cut its workforce from a high of 18,000 employees several years ago to 11,710. A company spokesman said more reductions cannot be ruled out, although there are no such immediate plans.
  10. Fate is cruel: Mr Lawson may be partly to blame, but Mr Major cannot avoid carrying the can for the depression that today threatens his political career.
  11. He acknowledged that many Stasi members were innocent of wrongdoing, but added: "Purposely committed illegal wrongs cannot be allowed to be swept under the table." Horst Ehmke of the main opposition Social Democrats also blasted the suggested amnesty.
  12. Noting that he favors limits on the number of years politicians can hold office, he said, "It is time for them to go." He conceded that most "experts say I cannot win.
  13. South Africa's 26 million blacks have no representation in Parliament and cannot vote in national elections.
  14. By an 8-0 vote, the court said a secured creditor's right to "adequate protection" under bankruptcy law cannot be satisified by such a promise.
  15. A surprising number of people cannot remember.
  16. Criminal justice cannot protect the modern democratic society against the fraudster.
  17. Hisham Nazer, the oil minister of Saudi Arabia, said on Monday in Vienna there was "unanimous recognition in OPEC" that OPEC alone cannot keep supplies low enough to prevent prices from lagging.
  18. He "threatened to shoot if anybody moved," said a police official, who cannot be named under standing regulations.
  19. "Without the help of the West, we cannot establish a successful market system," Shatalin said.
  20. Eilat, which receives at least 500,000 visitors a year, has a small airport which cuts the town in half and cannot receive jumbo jets.
  21. We cannot accept any connection between bank disbursements and those of the IMF," Mr. Bresser Pereira said.
  22. Would my word free the slaves when I cannot even enforce the Constitution in the rebel States?" The turning point in the Civil War came that summer, outside Gettysburg, Pa. For three days one of the war's bloodiest battles was fought.
  23. "This conduct cannot be rewarded by the board," he said.
  24. It will be in the interests of all parties - even the US taxpayers whose interests NIH claims to protect - to agree that mass-produced genes cannot be patented.
  25. The paper's article cannot be considered a statement backed by the policy-making Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, he said.
  26. Midland, where I subsequently opened a business account, cannot provide me with documentation to operate that account.
  27. Marketmakers cannot stimulate additional business at these levels; they can only execute naturally arising business.
  28. But the chancellor cannot have it both ways.
  29. "He ought to get out," said Byrd. "The country cannot have confidence in the Justice Department when the top law enforcement officer obviously has to spend an inordinate amount of his time defending himself.
  30. Why the DA seeks more business when he cannot keep up with half the criminals he prosecutes now is probably a political guess.
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