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 bur []   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 刺果, 粘附物

[医] [牙]钻, 圆头锉

  1. The excavation of the bur city take a long time.
  2. Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.
  3. After the rain, landslide bur several house.

burred, burring
[ noun ]
  1. seed vessel having hooks or prickles

  2. <noun.plant>
  3. small bit used in dentistry or surgery

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. remove the burrs from

  2. <verb.change> burr

Bur \Bur\, Burr \Burr\ (b[^u]r), n. [OE. burre burdock; cf. Dan.
borre, OSw. borra, burdock, thistle; perh. akin to E. bristle
(burr- for burz-), or perh. to F. bourre hair, wool, stuff;
also, according to Cotgrave, ``the downe, or hairie coat,
wherewith divers herbes, fruits, and flowers, are covered,''
fr. L. burrae trifles, LL. reburrus rough.]
1. (Bot.) Any rough or prickly envelope of the seeds of
plants, whether a pericarp, a persistent calyx, or an
involucre, as of the chestnut and burdock; a seed vessel
having hooks or prickles. Also, any weed which bears burs.

Amongst rude burs and thistles. --Milton.

Bur and brake and brier. --Tennyson.

2. The thin ridge left by a tool in cutting or shaping metal.
See {Burr}, n., 2.

3. A ring of iron on a lance or spear. See {Burr}, n., 4.

4. The lobe of the ear. See {Burr}, n., 5.

5. The sweetbread.

6. A clinker; a partially vitrified brick.

7. (Mech.)
(a) A small circular saw.
(b) A triangular chisel.
(c) A drill with a serrated head larger than the shank; --
especially a small drill bit used by dentists.

8. [Cf. Gael. borr, borra, a knob, bunch.] (Zo["o]l.) The
round knob of an antler next to a deer's head. [Commonly
written {burr}.]

{Bur oak} (Bot.), a useful and ornamental species of oak
({Quercus macrocarpa}) with ovoid acorns inclosed in deep
cups imbricated with pointed scales. It grows in the
Middle and Western United States, and its wood is tough,
close-grained, and durable.

{Bur reed} (Bot.), a plant of the genus {Sparganium}, having
long ribbonlike leaves.

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