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 biting ['baɪtɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 刺痛的, 辛辣的

[医] 咬, 啮

  1. Does your dog bite? ie Is it in the habit of biting people?
  2. Why are you always biting your nails?
  3. Stop biting your nails!

[ adj ]
  1. capable of wounding

  2. <adj.all>
    a barbed compliment
    a biting aphorism
    pungent satire
  3. causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold

  4. <adj.all>
    bitter cold
    a biting wind

Bite \Bite\ (b[imac]t), v. t. [imp. {Bit} (b[i^]t); p. p.
{Bitten} (b[i^]t"t'n), {Bit}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Biting}.] [OE.
biten, AS. b[=i]tan; akin to D. bijten, OS. b[=i]tan, OHG.
b[=i]zan, G. beissen, Goth. beitan, Icel. b[=i]ta, Sw. bita,
Dan. bide, L. findere to cleave, Skr. bhid to cleave.
[root]87. Cf. {Fissure}.]
1. To seize with the teeth, so that they enter or nip the
thing seized; to lacerate, crush, or wound with the teeth;
as, to bite an apple; to bite a crust; the dog bit a man.

Such smiling rogues as these,
Like rats, oft bite the holy cords atwain. --Shak.

2. To puncture, abrade, or sting with an organ (of some
insects) used in taking food.

3. To cause sharp pain, or smarting, to; to hurt or injure,
in a literal or a figurative sense; as, pepper bites the
mouth. ``Frosts do bite the meads.'' --Shak.

4. To cheat; to trick; to take in. [Colloq.] --Pope.

5. To take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere to; as, the
anchor bites the ground.

The last screw of the rack having been turned so
often that its purchase crumbled, . . . it turned
and turned with nothing to bite. --Dickens.

{To bite the dust}, {To bite the ground}, to fall in the
agonies of death; as, he made his enemy bite the dust.

{To bite in} (Etching), to corrode or eat into metallic
plates by means of an acid.

{To bite the thumb at} (any one), formerly a mark of
contempt, designed to provoke a quarrel; to defy. ``Do you
bite your thumb at us?'' --Shak.

{To bite the tongue}, to keep silence. --Shak.

Biting \Bit"ing\, a.
That bites; sharp; cutting; sarcastic; caustic. ``A biting
affliction.'' ``A biting jest.'' --Shak.

  1. These are the great ones, the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes-Merrie Melodies classics that will keep you in stitches with clever lines, biting satire and unrivaled cartoon artwork.
  2. THE HIGHLAND midges were biting with fury on the evening I saw my first pine marten.
  3. Your junk call will constitute your agreement to the reasonableness of my fee." This may sound as preposterous as billing a mosquito for biting you.
  4. He said his biting approach can be traced in part to "a grandmother bayoneted by a guardsman during a mill strike in the Carolinas.
  5. Few Capitol lobbyists are biting.
  6. "We were biting our nails waiting for the opening," said a platinum trader.
  7. "The video with Daddy was the most special thing I ever did in my life," Williams said, choking back tears and biting his lip.
  8. The strings make more biting attacks and lean into the beginning of notes, and the flutes and oboes leave out vibrato.
  9. AFTER spending the best part of a week biting their nails over the outcome of the Nafta vote in the House of Representatives, US investors wasted little time celebrating Wednesday's decision.
  10. The debate was marked by numerous biting comments as Dukakis and Bush clashed over the deficit, defense issues and dealing with the Soviet Union in their 90 minutes on stage at Wake Forest University.
  11. Other cases include: _ An infected Minnesota inmate was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon after biting a guard.
  12. Downtown, Afghans huddled in blankets against the biting cold, forming long lines for bread or gasoline.
  13. A disease closely related to the AIDS virus can almost certainly be traced back to an African monkey, which may have given it to people by biting them, a researcher said.
  14. Elia Kazan's biting melodramatic precursor to "Network."
  15. Solzhenitsyn wrote extensively about the bloody terror of dictator Josef Stalin's rule from 1924-1953, but his most biting novels were never published in the Soviet Union.
  16. In a biting opinion, the appeals court said the case should proceed to trial.
  17. In Ms. Channing's beautifully modulated performance, we hear Susan's loneliness even as she converses with her doting specters; we see her many defeats in the biting little victories she scores over her real family with her muttered wisecracks.
  18. These contain atoms that function like teeth, biting into and holding certain metals inside the ligand but not others.
  19. In Laura Lynn's case, she took to hitting, kicking and biting her foster parents.
  20. A beauty contest in the '50s judged by a "fado" singer dressed in black is a biting satire on the music identified with Lisbon and made famous outside Portugal by Amalia Rodrigues.
  21. Temperatures of about 30 degrees below normal, biting winds and snow continued to grip the nation's East and Midest today from New England to Virginia and from Wisconsin into Kentucky.
  22. "But it's like biting the hand that feeds them, because every one of these companies uses direct marketing."
  23. The worm is spread by biting flies that feed on human blood, and is parasitic in or just under the skin, often migrating to around the eyes.
  24. Smith's case is one of about 10 in the country in which a person with AIDS has been accused of attempting to spread the virus through biting or spitting.
  25. The government said 3,170,667 whites were eligible to vote. Turnout was reported sluggish because of freezing temperatures and biting winds early today, but lines formed at polling places after noon, government radio said.
  26. In his typical biting style, he reiterated that he has opinions that will continue to upset some people. "That's what I'm here for," he said, while also questioning why he had become embroiled in controversy.
  27. But many buyers aren't biting.
  28. Then Ms. DiBuono steps forward and sings: There was a time when shows were fun And they used bright lighting And the shows weren't so long And the songs weren't so biting There was a time, then it all went wrong.
  29. "Yes, an average Iraqi has started feeling the impact of the embargo, but only at a pinch, not serious biting," an Asian diplomat said.
  30. And what interest might the Soviets have in seeing Mr. Castro stop biting Uncle Sam's ankle?
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