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 bito 添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 比妥树, 埃及酸叶木(蒺藜科)

    Bito \Bi"to\, n., Bito tree \Bi"to tree`\ . [Etym. uncertain.]
    A small scrubby tree ({Balanites [AE]gyptiaca}) growing in
    dry regions of tropical Africa and Asia.

    Note: The hard yellowish white wood is made into plows in
    Abyssinia; the bark is used in Farther India to stupefy
    fish; the ripe fruit is edible, when green it is an
    anthelmintic; the fermented juice is used as a
    beverage; the seeds yield a medicinal oil called
    zachun. The African name of the tree is {hajilij}.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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