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 arraign [ә'rein]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 提讯, 传讯, 责难

[法] 传讯, 提审, 控告

    [ verb ]
    1. call before a court to answer an indictment

    2. <verb.social>
    3. accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy

    4. <verb.communication>

    Arraign \Ar*raign"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Arraigned}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Arraigning}.] [OE. arainen, arenen, OF. aragnier,
    aranier, araisnier, F. arraisonner, fr. LL. arrationare to
    address to call before court; L. ad + ratio reason,
    reasoning, LL. cause, judgment. See {Reason}.]
    1. (Law) To call or set as a prisoner at the bar of a court
    to answer to the matter charged in an indictment or
    complaint. --Blackstone.

    2. To call to account, or accuse, before the bar of reason,
    taste, or any other tribunal.

    They will not arraign you for want of knowledge.

    It is not arrogance, but timidity, of which the
    Christian body should now be arraigned by the world.
    --I. Taylor.

    Syn: To accuse; impeach; charge; censure; criminate; indict;
    denounce. See {Accuse}.

    Arraign \Ar*raign"\, n.
    Arraignment; as, the clerk of the arraigns. --Blackstone.

    Arraign \Ar*raign"\, v. t. [From OF. aramier, fr. LL.
    adhramire.] (Old Eng. Law)
    To appeal to; to demand; as, to arraign an assize of novel

    1. A number of state courts arraign defendants by phone, and in some courts, lawyers are allowed to file lawsuits by facsimile, Sellers said.
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