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 arranged [ə'rendʒ添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 安排,准备,计画
vbl. 安排,准备,计画

  1. I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.
  2. I've arranged for a car (to meet you at the airport).

[ adj ]
  1. disposed or placed in a particular kind of order

  2. <adj.all>
    the carefully arranged chessmen
    haphazardly arranged interlobular septa
    comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace
  3. planned in advance

  4. <adj.all>
    an arranged marriage
  5. deliberately arranged for effect

  6. <adj.all>
    one of those artfully staged photographs

Arrange \Ar*range"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Arranged}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Arranging}.] [OE. arayngen, OF. arengier, F.
arranger, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. rengier, rangier, F. ranger.
See {Range}, v. t.]
1. To put in proper order; to dispose (persons, or parts) in
the manner intended, or best suited for the purpose; as,
troops arranged for battle.

So [they] came to the market place, and there he
arranged his men in the streets. --Berners.

[They] were beginning to arrange their hampers.

A mechanism previously arranged. --Paley.

2. To adjust or settle; to prepare; to determine; as, to
arrange the preliminaries of an undertaking.

Syn: Adjust; adapt; range; dispose; classify.

arranged \arranged\ adj.
1. 1 disposed or placed in a particular kind of order. the
carefully arranged chessmen; haphazardly arranged
interlobular septa; comfortable chairs arranged around the
fireplace {disarranged}

Syn: ordered
[WordNet 1.5]

2. having a schedule and itinerary established prior to
departure; -- of travel plans. an arranged tour of Madrid
[WordNet 1.5]

3. 1 deliberately arranged for effect. {candid}

Syn: staged
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. In the first two months of this year alone, Ms. Moore arranged $1.3 billion of credit for three big companies that entered Chapter 11 proceedings.
  2. Two years ago, I arranged to make additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to my employer's pension scheme.
  3. Following strong demand, the amount was quickly increased to Pounds 200m from the original Pounds 150m. NatWest Capital Markets and Salomon Brothers International jointly arranged the issue.
  4. Later Mr. Chen arranged for the coins to be deposited at Republic's office in New York.
  5. But she has since arranged to work part-time.
  6. He continued: "Although it wasn't done without difficulty, the loan for Colombia was arranged in a relatively short period of time, and fell only marginally short of its goal."
  7. The House Appropriations Committee arranged a late-afternoon meeting on a bipartisan package put together by California's 47-member congressional delegation, with action by the full House scheduled Tuesday.
  8. In the Johannesburg area, black organizations have arranged an all-day concert near the black township of Soweto.
  9. Nor should the change be too unpopular if arranged so that no woman currently over 50 would be affected. In fact, delaying an announcement to avoid controversy would almost certainly be counterproductive.
  10. The philharmonic tour, arranged at the invitation of the Soviet Ministry of Culture, is the first since 1976 when it was led by Erich Leinsdorf and Thomas Schippers.
  11. Benjamin Weston, managing director at Credit Suisse Financial Products, says his firm alone arranged $4 billion in collars for customers last year.
  12. That left trading to be dominated by profit-takers and dealers testing the market's downside. The Federal Reserve arranged overnight system repurchase agreements with Fed funds trading firm at 4 1/8 per cent.
  13. Leaders of the 12-nation European Community, anxious about the fast-moving events in the Soviet bloc, met for three hours at a hastily arranged dinner at the invitation of President Francois Mitterrand.
  14. Alarmed at the challenge, IDC's president, Gerald W. Eskow, arranged a meeting.
  15. Eurotunnel has arranged a #5 billion loan to meet later costs on the project.
  16. "Six Characters" represents the first production of the group headed by Michael Rudman, who could not have arranged a more auspicious debut.
  17. Recent issues include an arranged exit, cash-backed scheme from sponsor Matrix Securities for Middlesex University, offering a return of 122p after five years for every 100p invested.
  18. Her mother has arranged for the convent school girl to marry Gercourt, an older man who will take only a virgin as his wife.
  19. The meeting was arranged at the request of Bush's campaign, said Carl Golden, a spokesman for Kean.
  20. In the case, Esposito paid for a Florida vacation for Biaggi and a companion and arranged to pay for a second one in exchange for the congressman's efforts on behalf of a Brooklyn ship-repair company that was a major client of Esposito's insurance firm.
  21. It said financing in the form of long-term debt is being arranged by a consortium of U.S. and Canadian banks.
  22. That affects only Mr. Murdoch, who on Saturday arranged a forced sale of the Post.
  23. Haag claimed he planned to purchase the meteorite in a deal arranged by Fernandez with the owner of the land on which the object had been found.
  24. Syrian troops handling security in Beirut's Moslem sectors arranged a cease-fire late this morning to stem the fighting, the third clash in 24 hours, police said.
  25. His trip on the Andalus Express was arranged by Cox & Kings Travel, St James Court, 45 Buckingham Gate, London SW1 (071-834-7472).
  26. The Pro-Life Action League, which arranged the burial, said the fetuses were obtained from clinics and hospitals in five states, along with the names of the mothers and the physicians who performed the abortions.
  27. Then a headhunter so extolled her entrepreneurial qualities and trained intellect that a meeting was arranged.
  28. The speed with which the visits were arranged was several months faster than those accorded foreign prisoners in the past and appear to be part of the Afghan government's move to present a more humanitarian face to the world.
  29. The opening of East Germany's borders Nov. 9 allowed East Germany's famous orchestra to travel easily to the great hall of the Sender Freies Berlin radio station for Monday's hastily arranged concert.
  30. Tribal Assets Management, Portland, Maine, and State Street Bank of Boston arranged financing of the purchase, Mr. Manning said.
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