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 angostura bark 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 安果斯都拉树皮

    angostura bark
    [ noun ]
    the bitter bark of a South American tree; used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters

    Angostura \An`gos*tu"ra\, Angostura bark \An`gos*tu"ra
    bark"\([aum][ng]`g[o^]s*t[=oo]"r[.a] b[aum]rk`). [From
    Angostura, in Venezuela.]
    A bitter aromatic bark, obtained from a South American tree
    of the rue family ({Galipea cusparia}, or {Galipea
    officinalis}). It is used used as a tonic, in medicines,
    liqueurs and bitters. --U. S. Disp.
    [1913 Webster WordNet 1.5] ||

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