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 angriest 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. What heart-shattering love was shown me when my wife — who has seen me at my grumpiest, my most sinful, my angriest — greeted me just this morning with a smile and a sweet kiss.
  2. "One of the angriest social free-for-alls in the uninhibited and colorful history of Hollywood is in the making about who is to be at the luncheon, " Murray Schumach wrote in the New York Times.
  3. But the angriest attacks came from Roosevelt’s distant cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who took office amid the worst financial crisis in American history.

Angry \An"gry\, a. [Compar. {Angrier}; superl. {Angriest}.] [See
1. Troublesome; vexatious; rigorous. [Obs.]

God had provided a severe and angry education to
chastise the forwardness of a young spirit. --Jer.

2. Inflamed and painful, as a sore.

3. Touched with anger; under the emotion of anger; feeling
resentment; enraged; -- followed generally by with before
a person, and at before a thing.

Be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves. --Gen.
xlv. 5.

Wherefore should God be angry at thy voice?
--Eccles. v.

4. Showing anger; proceeding from anger; acting as if moved
by anger; wearing the marks of anger; as, angry words or
tones; an angry sky; angry waves. ``An angry
countenance.'' --Prov. xxv. 23.

5. Red. [R.]

Sweet rose, whose hue, angry and brave. --Herbert.

6. Sharp; keen; stimulated. [R.]

I never ate with angrier appetite. --Tennyson.

Syn: Passionate; resentful; irritated; irascible; indignant;
provoked; enraged; incensed; exasperated; irate; hot;
raging; furious; wrathful; wroth; choleric; inflamed;

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