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 agog [ә'gɒg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 兴奋着的, 急切的

ad. 急切地, 渴望

  1. The people are all agog to know the news about the World Cup.
  2. The prospect of Christmas left the children agog.
  3. They were agog for the news.

[ adj ]
highly excited

Agog \A*gog"\, a. & adv. [Cf. F. gogue fun, perhaps of Celtic
In eager desire; eager; astir.

All agog to dash through thick and thin. --Cowper.

  1. The volunteers will make the decision about what they believe is in the best interests of the country.' Later in the day, after meeting Mr Clinton's officials, Mr Perot was all agog.
  2. So when he is introduced to a scheme for shifting millions to and from third world governments, with a rake-off for himself on the way, he is not surprisingly agog.
  3. His neighbors are agog, even though they can't read and have little notion of the significance of passing days.
  4. Are you agog to know why the relationship between the American president and the White House press corps is so bad?
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