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 agonizing ['ægə`naɪzɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 折磨人的, 痛苦难忍的

  1. Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment.
  2. The process can be agonizing.
  3. I had agonizing feelings of shame and guilt.

[ adj ]
extremely painful

Agonize \Ag"o*nize\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Agonized}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Agonizing}.] [F. agoniser, LL. agonizare, fr. Gr. ?.
See {Agony}.]
1. To writhe with agony; to suffer violent anguish.

To smart and agonize at every pore. --Pope.

2. To struggle; to wrestle; to strive desperately.

agonizing \agonizing\ adj.
causing agony. Opposite to {painless}.

Syn: excruciating, harrowing, torturing, torturous,
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

  1. Currently, EPA officials are agonizing over whether the law requires them to impose penalties on areas that violate the standards.
  2. Moreover, his agonizing weeks-long search to finance the takeover could presage the financing difficulties to be faced by many takeover players who once relied on junk bonds.
  3. Mr. Bush's problem isn't so much that he seems to be agonizing over the issue as it is that he seems to vacillate on it.
  4. Every press conference these days is an agonizing experience for the man in the White House.
  5. He indicated that he made the decision despite agonizing over a decade of lost effort, and concern over the impact his action will have on black South Africans.
  6. Episcopalians are caught up in agonizing debate over plans to hold their 1991 national convention in Arizona now that the state's voters have rejected a paid holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.
  7. In a gentle waltz, Sophie imagines children riding to the death camps; in an agonizing duet, she and Hans confront their own weakness.
  8. Instead, they found misery, exploitation and an agonizing death," he said. "These 146 workers didn't have to die.
  9. Instead, Mr. Durenberger is living out the final episodes of an agonizing morality tale.
  10. She's forced to confront an agonizing decision: Do you sacrifice an agent?
  11. There may be something to be said for such rapid service, replacing the agonizing wait that aspiring homeowners often endure while lending institutions decide their fate.
  12. Japan, the world's second-largest importer of oil, has been agonizing over how to respond to the Aug. 2 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
  13. But to many senators, particularly from the Midwest, the vote represented an agonizing choice between cleaner air and concern about the measure's impact on employment and electric bills back home.
  14. In Geneva, his mother, Graziana Erriquez, spent agonizing hours Monday before receiving official confirmation that her son was free.
  15. "They'd rather quickly and efficiently put them out of their misery than watch them die a slow and agonizing death.
  16. In his opinion, Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard wrote, "Courts are not the proper place to resolve the agonizing personal problems that underlie these cases.
  17. For 36 agonizing minutes, the world waited.
  18. He came off stage agonizing over a miscue. "How could I have screwed those three bars up?" he groaned.
  19. "Japanese children are agonizing because of the so-called examination-hell phenomenon and intense competition for entering elite educational institutions," said Prof.
  20. In often stomach-churning detail, prosecution witnesses have described what Robyn might have felt during his last day, from agonizing pain to frequent vomiting.
  21. The silence is particularly agonizing because Mrs. Hearin is not in robust health.
  22. "The United States has just experienced the greatest financial theft in our history _ carried out by thousands of people _ and the wheels of justice grind with agonizing slowness," said Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill.
  23. They told stories of a panicky dash to get off the sinking ship, followed by an agonizing wait for rescue in near-freezing water.
  24. He said with only a touch of exaggeration that added up to "90-hour weeks." And these marathon rounds were compounded by agonizing deadlock over how to cut the ballooning federal deficit.
  25. Although he says he has a "gut instinct" that the country is heading for a recession, the company hasn't been agonizing over that or over what to do about the precipitous plunge in MCA's stock.
  26. Mason said the possibility an aborted fetus could have medical benefits for others would provide a "powerful inducement" and an "additional rationalization" for a woman agonizing over whether to abort her pregnancy.
  27. Jose van Dam was quite agonizing to watch as Golaud, the husband whose terrifying jealousy ruins everything.
  28. "For some of you, this will be the most agonizing 45 minutes you'll go through in a while _ enjoy it," said Bill Pospischil, athletic director at the 113-student school.
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