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 affiliated [ə'filieitid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 附属的, 有关连的

  1. This elementary school is affiliated to a university.
  2. She affiliated her child to Smith.

[ adj ]
being joined in close association
affiliated clubsall art schools whether independent or attached to universities

Affiliate \Af*fil"i*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Affiliated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Affiliating}.] [LL. adfiliare, affiliare, to
adopt as son; ad + filius son: cf. F. affilier.]
1. To adopt; to receive into a family as a son; hence, to
bring or receive into close connection; to ally.

Is the soul affiliated to God, or is it estranged
and in rebellion? --I. Taylor.

2. To fix the paternity of; -- said of an illegitimate child;
as, to affiliate the child to (or on or upon) one man
rather than another.

3. To connect in the way of descent; to trace origin to.

How do these facts tend to affiliate the faculty of
hearing upon the aboriginal vegetative processes?
--H. Spencer.

4. To attach (to) or unite (with); to receive into a society
as a member, and initiate into its mysteries, plans, etc.;
-- followed by to or with.

{Affiliated societies}, societies connected with a central
society, or with each other.

affiliated \affiliated\ adj.
1. 1 being joined in close association affiliated clubs

Syn: attached, connected
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The Colorado banking commissioner closed two affiliated banks, bringing the number of bank failures nationwide this year to 159, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said.
  2. Of the rest, about half are considered independent but are affiliated with a major studio.
  3. A group of affiliated companies led by Clyde W. Engle, a Chicago businessman, said it holds 7% of Kewaunee Scientific Corp.'s common as an investment.
  4. In its SEC filing yesterday, the group of companies affiliated with the Pritzker family said it acquired the Ramada stock "primarily for investment purposes."
  5. The Texan has fought feverishly to retain special tax treatment for the oil industry, especially the independent companies not affiliated with the giant major firms.
  6. Mr. Bilzerian and an affiliated entity already own 446,000 shares, or 9.9% of the shares outstanding.
  7. A portion of the proceeds was intended to finance its previously announced acquisition of Diversified Shelter Group Ltd. and affiliated entities.
  8. That allegedly allowed Mr. Cotter and affiliated companies to sell Valley Federal stock at an inflated price before the thrift's stock price plummeted after substantial losses were made public.
  9. The fourth, WMAZ in Macon, Ga., is affiliated with CBS.
  10. Federal law currently prohibits banks from ooow banks from owningggks from owning or bbom owning or being owned by a company that isn't related to banking, and bans most banks from being affiliated with securities firms.
  11. Loma Linda University is affiliated with the church.
  12. Airline pilots asked a federal judge to appoint a trustee to run Eastern Airlines, alleging that Frank Lorenzo, chairman of parent Texas Air Corp., was stripping Eastern's assets to bolster affiliated companies.
  13. In fact the company nominates the majority, the rest being politicians affiliated with Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi's ruling Congress Party.
  14. Trauma units are usually affiliated with, but distinct from, ordinary emergency rooms.
  15. Convention delegates also voted on six resolutions that could affect policies at more than 3,000 affiliated churches.
  16. And that eventuality might cast a pall over the affiliated program, demoralizing those who have received similar treatment or discouraging the afflicted from getting help.
  17. A Lazard Freres spokesman said the employee group has been working with Mellon Bank of Pittsburgh and Centre Partners, an investment partnership affiliated with Lazard Freres, to obtain financing for the plan.
  18. Following the acquisition, FB Holdings will be owned 10% by Pueblo Chairman Harold Toppel, about 20% by other management, and about 70% by certain partnerships and entities affiliated with First Boston.
  19. Most single-profession unions are affiliated with one of the big federations, with the notable exception of the powerful National Education Federation, which is dominant among public school teachers.
  20. In the mid-1980s, Sen. Hatfield received gifts of artwork valued at $9,300 from the former president of the University of South Carolina and a group affiliated with the academic official.
  21. I felt that it was inappropriate for me to consider these while still affiliated with MGM.
  22. After leaving GNP in 1987, the two brokers became affiliated with another firm run by another former Merc chairman, John F. "Jack" Sandner.
  23. Disney alleged in the suit filed in U.S. District Court Wednesday that Fox has attempted to prevent its 129 affiliated stations from carrying "The Disney Afternoon," a two-hour daily lineup of children's programming in syndication.
  24. The other four members of the group are investment companies affiliated with Mutual Shares, a New York investment company, the filing said.
  25. Jujo Paper fell Y35 to Y600 on reports that an affiliated paper company would post sharp falls in profits for the current year to March.
  26. Electrolux, which isn't affiliated with AB Electrolux of Sweden, has annual sales of about $400 million.
  27. Companies affiliated with Mr. Engle hold 82% of Sunstates' voting power, according to Paul H. Allbritton Jr., executive vice prsident of Sunstates.
  28. Moreover, they aren't affiliated with any Beijing institution and lack official status, thus falling through the cracks in the Chinese welfare system.
  29. The statistics exclude pulp consumed in the producing mill or shipped to another mill that is affiliated with the producing mill.
  30. Industrial Equity and its affiliated companies currently hold about 5.8 million CalMat shares.
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