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 affiliation [ə`fɪlɪ'eʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 联系, 从属关系

[医] 父权(判定私生儿的父亲)

[经] 联营

  1. Participation in social groups in the community is independent of religious affiliation, and one's circle of friends will include people of a variety of denominations.
  2. A social group having a common affiliation to such an object.
  3. The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.

[ noun ]
  1. a social or business relationship

  2. <noun.state>
    a valuable financial affiliation
    he was sorry he had to sever his ties with other members of the team
    many close associations with England
  3. the act of becoming formally connected or joined

  4. <noun.act>
    welcomed the affiliation of the research center with the university

Affiliation \Af*fil`i*a"tion\, n. [F. affiliation, LL.
1. Adoption; association or reception as a member in or of
the same family or society.

2. (Law) The establishment or ascertaining of parentage; the
assignment of a child, as a bastard, to its father;

3. Connection in the way of descent. --H. Spencer.

  1. Among them is to switch the affiliation to WCIX, which CBS has an option to purchase for a relatively lower price, or to move it to the current NBC affiliate in the market, WSVN.
  2. The appeals court said the evidence was clear that the two men were fired because of their political affiliation.
  3. It would have allowed even institutions with only a close affiliation to a religious group to seek an exemption if compliance with the law would conflict with tenets of the faith.
  4. A page-one story in an earlier edition misstated his affiliation.
  5. Pickens will continue his affiliation with the 64,000-member group.
  6. Ms. Stevens's involvement with "Baker Boys" was the result of a long affiliation with the movie's composer, Dave Grusin.
  7. Under Louisiana's open primary system, all candidates run on one ballot, regardless of party affiliation.
  8. The Dallas-based company's solicitations said profits from the $10 tags would go to the United Service Organization, according to postal officials, but the USO said it had no affiliation with the offer.
  9. It was not known how Goertz managed to get a visa without disclosing his Nazi affiliation, said Oscar Villa, an INS inspector.
  10. About 350 delegates of the West Coast dockworkers' union will vote at the ILWU international convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, on the possible affiliation.
  11. Executives at both exchanges said they were confident that the affiliation would boost volume and profits at Comex. The exchange, which is free of debt, has assets of Dollars 18m and cash on hand of Dollars 12m.
  12. Candidate names are to appear on lengthy and complicated ballots with no indication of affiliation.
  13. Ray Trask stepped down as president of Jimmy Swaggart Bible College rather than lose his Assemblies affiliation.
  14. "Our goal would be to maintain CBS affiliation in Miami," a spokesman says.
  15. The AFL-CIO said yesterday that it received a Teamsters application for affiliation, and AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland said the proposal will be taken up by the federation's executive council at its meeting tomorrow in Miami.
  16. Jones later approved an order transferring Ms. Baldwin to Wishard from St. Francis Hospital, where the sterilization process cannot be performed because of the hospital's affiliation with the Catholic Church.
  17. The release of prisoners convicted of politically motivated crimes or of acts connected to their affiliation with the ANC has stalled recently after scores were freed earlier.
  18. Politburo member Ondrej Saling told reporters that a meeting between Communists and opposition forces on Monday agreed that the president should be a Czech with no party affiliation.
  19. The UMW's executive board Wednesday requested affiliation with the 14 million member AFL-CIO, whose governing body is expected to unanimously welcome its newest member in time for the federation's convention next month.
  20. The former GOP mavericks are making history by shunning major-party affiliation and winning, but it is widely felt they could not have won without their high name-recognition and their former major-party ties.
  21. His description of his current affiliation (retired) doesn't explain why he is standing out in the cold playing tour guide for visitors, but he overwhelms me with kindness and enthusiasm.
  22. In the past, envoys were picked largely on the basis of Communist Party affiliation.
  23. Then the top two vote-getters enter a runoff, regardless of party affiliation.
  24. Twenty-seven percent expressed no affiliation.
  25. Ms. Houde said Sears' affiliation with Palmer and Ms. Powers would continue, at least until their contracts expire.
  26. In his typically understated way, Mr. Ansin tells of National Broadcasting Co.'s plan to buy the local CBS-affiliated station and then award it the NBC affiliation his station has had for 25 years.
  27. Bureaucrats who enjoyed comfortable positions in state enterprises or institutions based on party affiliation fear the prospect of dismissal and see the property as their hedge against poverty.
  28. Mayor Marion Barry says he dropped his Democratic affiliation and declared himself an independent to "keep my options open" for a possible political comeback.
  29. Since I announced my affiliation with the Republicans, a surprising number of blacks have told me they will follow my example.
  30. The Pennsylvania case, filed by Chester County judicial candidate Samuel C. Stretton, challenges the state's code of judicial conduct barring him from discussing his views, personally soliciting campaign funds or emphasizing his party affiliation.
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