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 accolade [,ækәu'leid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 荣誉, 赞美, 骑士爵位的授予礼, 连谱号

  1. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
    能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉.
  2. In Hollywood, an"" Oscar"" is the highest accolade.
  3. I wasn't happy today, but I must put away mood accolade for tomorrow of the sun!

[ noun ]
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
an award for bravery

Accolade \Ac`co*lade"\ ([a^]k`k[-o]*l[=a]d" or
[a^]k`k[-o]*l[.a]d"; 277), n. [F. accolade, It. accolata, fr.
accollare to embrace; L. ad + collum neck.]
1. A ceremony formerly used in conferring knighthood,
consisting of an embrace, and a slight blow on the
shoulders with the flat blade of a sword.

2. (Mus.) A brace used to join two or more staves.

  1. That accolade is reserved for the queen's own subjects, although Brooks-Baker insists there is nothing in U.S. law preventing Reagan or any other American from using a British title.
  2. As one who served at Paul Volcker's right hand during 49 months of his tenure, I will begin with one unqualified accolade: Mr. Volcker is a splendid crisis manager; indeed, he is most in tune with a universe in the midst of melee.
  3. The final accolade; the ultimate triumph; the crowning glory.
  4. But the unassuming Weinberger professed amazement at the accolade.
  5. At least one new award-winner of the much-touted BS 5750 quality standard should be guaranteed a steady stream of business as a result of the accolade.
  6. Today's ceremony doesn't mean the former U.S. defense secretary will become Sir Caspar _ that accolade is reserved for the queen's own subjects _ but it's Britain's way of saying thanks for being an exceptionally good friend.
  7. Shmooze." The accolade suggests an open and adaptable approach; the criticism, a tendency toward private self-promotion.
  8. Goya is generally acknowledged as one of the supreme masters in the post-Renaissance western tradition, and for once we should not be shy of an accolade all too often given.
  9. Mr Gerald Hamilton, managing director of Fortnum & Mason - sometimes known as the 'Queen's grocer' - says the warrant 'is still seen to be an accolade.
  10. It expects to earn that accolade.
  11. Some felt that a college's name was not an accolade to be bestowed lightly; in the UK and the US, universities have, literally, set in stone names such as John Harvard and Elihu Yale which might otherwise have been ephemeral.
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