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 accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使适应, 调和, 通融, 容纳, 向...提供

vi. 适应

[法] 调停, 变通, 通融

  1. The cottage could accommodate up to five people.
  2. The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.
  3. accommodate oneself to ...
    使自己适应于 ...

[ verb ]
  1. be agreeable or acceptable to

  2. <verb.stative> fit suit
    This suits my needs
  3. make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

  4. <verb.change>
    Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country
  5. provide with something desired or needed

  6. <verb.consumption>
    Can you accommodate me with a rental car?
  7. have room for; hold without crowding

  8. <verb.stative>
    admit hold
    This hotel can accommodate 250 guests
    The theater admits 300 people
    The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people
  9. provide housing for

  10. <verb.stative>
    We are lodging three foreign students this semester
  11. provide a service or favor for someone

  12. <verb.communication>
    We had to oblige him
  13. make (one thing) compatible with (another)

  14. <verb.change>
    conciliate reconcile
    The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories

Accommodate \Ac*com"mo*date\, v. i.
To adapt one's self; to be conformable or adapted. [R.]

Accommodate \Ac*com"mo*date\, a. [L. accommodatus, p. p. of
Suitable; fit; adapted; as, means accommodate to end.
[Archaic] --Tillotson.

Accommodate \Ac*com"mo*date\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Accommodated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Accommodating}.] [L.
accommodatus, p. p. of accommodare; ad + commodare to make
fit, help; con- + modus measure, proportion. See {Mode}.]
1. To render fit, suitable, or correspondent; to adapt; to
conform; as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances.
``They accommodate their counsels to his inclination.''

2. To bring into agreement or harmony; to reconcile; to
compose; to adjust; to settle; as, to accommodate
differences, a dispute, etc.

3. To furnish with something desired, needed, or convenient;
to favor; to oblige; as, to accommodate a friend with a
loan or with lodgings.

4. To show the correspondence of; to apply or make suit by
analogy; to adapt or fit, as teachings to accidental
circumstances, statements to facts, etc.; as, to
accommodate prophecy to events.

Syn: To suit; adapt; conform; adjust; arrange.

  1. Pitney Bowes Inc., a leading maker of business machines in Stamford, Conn., helped pioneer flexible working hours to accommodate working parents, allowing them to arrive early some days and leave early on others.
  2. The $400 million project is part of a massive development plan to better accommodate the estimated two million Moslems who converge on Mecca and neighboring Medina during July for the annual pilgrimage to Islam's holiest shrines.
  3. Commissioned in 1874 from the architect Hippolyte Destailleurs, it took 15 years to complete. The situation, atop a pointed hill, was unpromising but the peak was sliced off and a huge artificial platform was erected to accommodate the house.
  4. The other 25 parties to the talks all support a multi-racial state with equal rights for all races, and are unlikely to accommodate the CP.
  5. The next session, which runs from Jan. 10 to June 30, can accommodate 18.
  6. To accommodate artist John Cage, the 79-year-old master of the unusual.
  7. Eastern formerly flew from Hartford and Boston to Orlando, for example, but Continental will be increasing departures over the level of Eastern's service to accommodate increased demand.
  8. All gold reserves will not flow out of the country or flow into hoards held by Soviet citizens provided that the State Bank not accommodate the government budget deficit.
  9. New ramp entrances at the east and west wings of the building are designed to accommodate wheelchairs and baby strollers. Restrooms include diaper-changing facilities.
  10. Convention organizers, however, have warned restaurant owners not to expect too much business from the Democrats, unless the businessmen are willing to stay open much later than usual to accommodate delegates after the long evening sessions.
  11. Mercedes-Benz tries to accommodate last-minute shoppers, while Porsche (delivered at Zuffenhausen, near Stuttgart) needs a year's lead.
  12. Ideas for how to accommodate the crowd were based on his trip last September to see Pope John Paul II in San Antonio, Garza said.
  13. The organization also has persuaded the Toyota and Nissan automotive plants in South Africa to modify their vans to better accommodate the needs of taxi drivers.
  14. But religious parties started bolting when he asked Labor to join the government, fearing Likud would break promises to them to accommodate Labor.
  15. The dinners were abandoned for the Grauman's Chinese theater, which could accommodate servicemen guests with its 2,258 capacity.
  16. But I'm not sure we should substantially change regulation of the laws to accommodate revenues of the industry."
  17. It said school administrators might consider extending the school day to seven periods to accommodate the new requirements.
  18. New Orleans, the site of the 1988 Republican National Convention, has the Superdome, a huge stadium that could easily accommodate the 5,500 delegates and alternates and additional thousands of spectators.
  19. Britain, under pressure from its overcrowded Hong Kong colony, and Southeast Asian nations have demanded the United States agree to mandatory repatriation or set up its own camps to accommodate non-refugees.
  20. Government planners scrambled to accommodate such a high-level political decision, even though they had doubts the nation could finance it.
  21. One thing learned: What the Pentagon figures it will need to spend in five years for programs now in the works far exceeds what the federal budget is likely to be able to accommodate.
  22. Several churches opened facilities to accommodate people forced from their homes, Rust said.
  23. That was at a time when the space agency was looking both to open the shuttle program to the public and to accommodate civilians' repeated requests to fly non-scientific objects.
  24. To accommodate that growth, Boeing is boosting production of 767 widebodies and 747 jumbo jets next year, mid-sized 757 jetliners in mid-1989 and the smaller 737s in mid-1990.
  25. Cost estimates, design and the proposed contract documents have been set down to accommodate this somewhat unusual situation. The bridge is 4,800 metres long, bounded by the guide bunds of the river training works.
  26. EDITOR'S NOTE _ If you want to indulge your passion for fly fishing without roughing it _ or go to faraway places _ there are fishing "camps" that will accommodate you.
  27. The Bevilacqua forces elected their own slate of committee chairmen, but agreed to accommodate some requests from Carlin backers for particular committee assignments.
  28. But yesterday he conceded that his proposal would have to be "tempered by reality" to accommodate companies that already have two classes of stock and to allow certain types of financing.
  29. We are willing to accommodate.
  30. Member newspapers may wish to modify their format programs to accommodate this addition to the 60-city list.
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