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 Zion   添加此单词到默认生词本
原意:耶路撒冷的一个迦南要塞, 后指锡安山
耶路撒冷, 以色列的土地, 犹太人, 天国, 神权政治, 基督教会

    [ noun ]
    1. originally a stronghold captured by David (the 2nd king of the Israelites); above it was built a temple and later the name extended to the whole hill; finally it became a synonym for the city of Jerusalem

    2. <noun.location>
      the inhabitants of Jerusalem are personified as `the daughter of Zion'
    3. Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine

    4. <noun.location>
    5. an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal

    6. <noun.cognition>

    Zion \Zi"on\, n. [Heb. ts[=i]y[=o]n, originally, a hill.]
    1. (Jewish Antiq.) A hill in Jerusalem, which, after the
    capture of that city by the Israelites, became the royal
    residence of David and his successors.

    2. Hence, the theocracy, or church of God.

    3. The heavenly Jerusalem; heaven.

    1. "Someday I'd like it to be said of me, he tried to feed the hungry _ not only tried but succeeded," Van de Kamp told the congregation of the Praises of Zion Baptist Church.
    2. While the Zion Church is the headquarters and focal point for the reform movement, other Lutheran churches in East Berlin also have become rallying places for young adults seeking change.
    3. In his recently published book, "Establishing Zion," Campbell notes the risks and then carefully proceeds to inject a grain of salt into popular tales of the Mormon pioneers.
    4. "Saying the Lord's Prayer after games did represent a violation of the separation of church and state," said school Superintendent David Hendrix. "We felt that we had erred." Some cities, like Zion, would rather fight.
    5. They're there, but not ever seen," said Bishop Cecil Bishop, president of the Board of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
    6. Five of the nine denominations will act on the plan in 1988 _ the Episcopal Church, United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
    7. A judge of the Kfar Saba Magistrates Court in suburban Tel Aviv ordered the continued detention of Ben Zion Gobstein, police spokeswoman Ruth Shlezinger said.
    8. Accompanied by a guitar and drums _ and sometimes keyboards, tambourine and base _ the Zion Harmonizers sing the same songs you can hear in black churches and tents across the United States.
    9. After 10 p.m., such groups as the Zion Harmonizers give way to singers such as Irma Thomas and Marva Wright and the blues.
    10. "It's not everything every nurse wants, but I think it's probably enough to satisfy most nurses," said Rebecca Morrow, a nurse and picket captain at Mount Zion Hospital.
    11. The first body, removed in December from a pauper's grave at Mount Zion Cemetery in Landsdowne just south of Baltimore, was actually examined in an autopsy before someone noticed the identification tag on it.
    12. On Mnday, Miss Vauhgan's mother brought her back to Mount Zion Baptist Church for her funeral and burial.
    13. Attending the ecumenical service at Mount Zion Methodist Church were relatives of the three slain men and 470 people from Philadelphia, Pa., and New York whose "Philadelphia to Philadelphia Project," bus caravan arrived Tuesday in nearby Meridian.
    14. A federal appeals court Tuesday rejected a claim for a religious exemption to drug laws that would have allowed the use of marijuana in rites of the Jamaica-based Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church.
    15. Northwestern Bell says answering machines sold by Zion's are an alternative to answering services that it itself might someday provide.
    16. Zion Hospital in San Francisco measured the women's uterine contractions with a tocodynamometer in a doctor's office for one hour, once a week, from the 28th to the 32nd weeks of pregnancy, Katz said.
    17. They are the African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
    18. Within the past two weeks, Campbell has won the endorsement of the predominantly black African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and the South Carolina Conference of Black Mayors.
    19. Invocation by Senior Bishop William M. Smith, First Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Mobile, Alabama.
    20. Kosher Zion's windows were smashed last year, Plotsky said.
    21. Eight couples, including both Shtrakses, exchanged vows at Har Zion Temple in front of more than 600 congregation members, friends and relatives.
    22. If the agreement is ratified, nurses would end the two-week-old strike and return to work Monday at St. Francis, Children's, Marshal Hale, St. Mary's and Mount Zion hospitals in Francisco and Seton Medical Center in Daly City.
    23. Other affected hospitals were Children's, Marshal Hale, Mount Zion and St. Mary's in San Francisco and Seton Medical Center in Daly City.
    24. The Rev. Leon Sullivan, pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Philadelphia, who developed the principles in 1977, said the "good progress" category had so few members "because the requirements are tough."
    25. Affected hospitals were St. Francis, Marshall Hale, Children's, Mount Zion and St. Mary's in San Francisco and Seton Medical Center in Daly City.
    26. Authorities say Hamlin shot Sims in the head and chest on July 3, buried her body in woods about 40 miles southeast of Vicksburg, and hours later preached during Sunday morning worship at Zion Traveler.
    27. Members of the Zion Church tried to join the rally in a protest action against the nation's leadership.
    28. Da leaders think the party could win up to three Knesset seats. Ms Ida Nudel, a former Prisoner of Zion detained by the Soviet regime, says until now Russian olim were nervous of expressing political views.
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