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 zipped   添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 发嘘嘘声(使...增加热情,拉链)

  1. The lie can not be zipped properly.
  2. If your zip stuck, it may be because a thread has caught.

  1. His body was found inside a zipped mortician's bag, with two bullet holes behind the ear, state police said.
  2. Gunfire could be heard from several sides, and tracers zipped through the sky above Mao Tse-tung's mausoleum, one of the main monuments to Chinese communism in the square.
  3. But stranded passengers zipped into sleeping bags in designated areas "is certainly far better than letting them lie around the transit halls," he says.
  4. "A lot of lenders, buyers and developers have crawled in a hole and zipped up the cover," says Jack Hancock, executive vice president of the real-estate industries group at Security Pacific National Bank in Los Angeles.
  5. The Japanese are keeping their prodigious wallets zipped pending the outcome of a peace treaty that involves the Kurile chain of islands.
  6. As usual, the Denver offensive star was quarterback John Elway, who flipped, zipped and darted as in days of yore, which is to say last year.
  7. Pap, tasteless but colourful, zipped up with sauces and about as nutritious as blotting paper, with a fizzy cola to wash it down, is what too many people now believe is nourishment.
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